😌 Are you from Gipuzkoa? We have work for you in the cultural sector! We launched the 5th PiztuMeta Call! together with the Provincial Council, who will again contribute up to € 70,000 to help you promote your cultural project in the province. Are you not from Gipuzkoa and want to participate in such an opportunity? Read on, discover matchfunding and let's get more calls together.
📬 In this newsletter we talk about matchfunding calls, where public and private institutions participate to double the collection of projects with social impact. In essence, for every €1 your project receives on our platform, the institution contributes an additional €1. In this same newsletter, you can read more details. For now, to say that we want to dedicate this edition to three projects whose mission is focused on leaving a positive #Ecological Footprint in our environment and our sensitivity: a free education school, a support team for the promotion of autonomous life and an organization for the integration of the conservation of endangered species and natural spaces. We hope it inspires you.
Matchfunding y PiztuMeta!
Como ya sabrás, la plataforma goteo.org se basa en el crowdfunding o micromecenazgo, una idea tan sencilla como potente a través de la cual somos un lugar de encuentro entre personas que impulsáis proyectos de impacto social y personas que hacen pequeñas aportaciones económicas para llevar a cabo la iniciativa. Sabemos que funciona y son cientos los proyectos creados gracias a ti.
Well, the matchfunding is the proposal to invite public and private entities to support these initiatives. Municipalities such as Barcelona or Madrid, as well as the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa have allocated part of the public budget to recognize these projects and the good judgment of the Goteo community.
Our friends from Nomadic Portrait made a beautiful video that you can view here and it is a proposal that has penetrated beyond our borders, as you can see in the article: Match-Funding Calls for Open Crowdfunding: The Experience from Goteo.Org in New Policies for Crowdvocacy (Enric Senabre Hidalgo, Mayo Fuster Morell, Cristina Moreno de Alborán and Olivier Schulbaum) published in the magazine CrowdAsset as well as it fits into alternative sustainable financing by taking into account the environment and society when making the decision to invest. You can follow the intervention of Olivier Schulbaum, co-director of the Goteo Foundation at the 5th ECN CrowdCamp: Sustainable Finance
You already know the dynamics, we launched joint calls for a specific purpose (cultural, environment, technology ...) for projects to be presented. They receive specialized training to carry out their communication campaigns and, once they start, for every € 1 you decide to contribute, the institution deposits another € 1 in the project.
Your vote of confidence is sufficient proof for the institution to trust the proposal.

For this reason, the PiztuMeta! 2020 call for cultural projects in Gipuzkoa has been open from June 4 to July 16. We encourage you to sign up here for the online workshops that we will do on June 23 and July 2 in order to present your idea in the best way. And what is even more important, we encourage you to send it to your city council, county council or any other entity such as foundations or associations you know, so that they help us create new calls throughout the territory.
You can help create a matchfunding in your region and boost the social economy from below and with the support of the institutions. Tell them about us and together we will succeed.
Projeto Moas 👧🏻

💚 Semente Compostela is a teaching school in Galician that is sustained by militant work and quotas of collaborators, who, even without needing the services of a school, believe that the need to teach in their own language must be resolved through of a transformative pedagogy that understands school as an integral part of society, a pedagogy that aims to serve popular interests by guaranteeing a democratic process of teaching and learning and that enables girls to be free and critical citizens.
😊 Being aware of the growth of the Semente Compostela project, it begins the purchase of new and more spacious facilities that allow welcoming all the girls from the Early Childhood Education centers (2 to 6 years old) and Primary Education (6 to 12 years old), to that they can meet in a single space and expand the range of activities aimed at all the citizens of Compostela, especially training and social activities.
👉 If you also believe in free education, you can help out by collaborating in Projeto Moas
Proxecto Naturalmente 🌱

👩🏻 Proxecto Naturalmente is a project born in 2011 that aims to work and promote the autonomy of people with mental disorders, with special emphasis on intervention with the environment, acquisition of healthy consumption habits and training of abilities to lead an autonomous life, as in the case of new technologies.
✊ The main objective of the project is to make the participants autonomous and autonomous in terms of new technologies in order to carry out things as simple as checking bus schedules, managing medical appointments or being able to watch a quiet movie at home. This need, above all, was highly reflected in the COVID-19 crisis, since our users could not carry out many procedures because they did not have sufficient knowledge of new technologies, just as times alone at home were worse.
👉 If you want to make life easier for these people, make your contribution to Proxecto Naturalmente
Living Paleolithic 🐴

🦅Living Paleolithic is an initiative whose objective is the recovery of abandoned natural spaces and conservation of endangered species, such as the European Bison (the largest herbivore we have in Europe) and the Przewaslki horse (the only wild horse on the planet), both species inhabited Europe and the Peninsula during the Quaternary.
🦉 Very difficult times have passed and it is not always easy to find the means to maintain jobs, food and veterinary care. This year the Coronavirus crisis has given them fully because they have had to completely suspend tourist and school activity in its strongest time. These visits account for most of the income and are the barn that allows animals to be fed in the hardest times, as well as to face unforeseen veterinary expenses.
👉 If you also want to guarantee future generations the greatest biodiversity in a unique project through the education of children and adults, support Paleolítico Vivo
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. We will continue to promote alternative sustainable financing taking into account the environment and society when making the decision to invest.
We suggest you to watch the intervention of Olivier Schulbaum, vice president and co-founder of the Goteo Foundation at the 5th ECN CrowdCamp: Sustainable Finance this next friday at 1pm here. Later, we will share it on our Goteo channel in Youtube, which we promise to start energizing, so that soon you can enjoy this and many more interesting presentations! Follow us and see you soon!