🌐 The sentence "think globally, act locally" is a widely used but still current concept. It is a clear, precise and very understandable idea: if "global" refers to everything and its opposite is "local", the new term "glocal" indicates the awareness that we cannot live in isolation from the rest of the world. In almost any large city on the planet we are in permanent contact with other people, civilizations, opinions and ideas that are mixed with the traditional ones of the territory, at the same time that they travel through multiple people who move to live in other places.
📬 In this newsletter we share with you three initiatives ranging from the installation of a solar energy system for a social center, through the rehabilitation, re-education and inclusion of people at risk of exclusion in nature with free horses, to the defense of the biodiversity, to stop deforestation and mitigate climate change by supporting community work. These initiatives may be very close to where you live or really far ... but we are sure that they all have a glocal mission to share with you. Let's get to know them.
Let's illuminate La Gaietana 🔥

🏠 La Gaietana is a project of recovery of the historical heritage, community social center and house that is opening and filling this house with 7 centuries of history, considered a cultural asset of local interest and protected.
👵🏻 On June 25th, the corporation that owns the property of the property and that had it abandoned and in deterioration, cut the electricity with the intention of coercing and turning off the project that fills with life and opens the doors of this house since June 2019.
That is why they propose the challenge of installing a solar energy system, to have light throughout the day with autonomy and to continue developing activities. Let's illuminate La Gaietana!
Huottoja Community 🦋

👧🏻 "The Life Plan of the Huottoja Indigenous Community" is the first project of Archetypes. With this crowdfunding they want to ask you for collaboration to start it and demonstrate that a different development cooperation, based on the coherence of the action and on a participatory multi-actor methodology, is possible.
🐢 This project is the first stage of a journey that foresees different phases: mapping of the territories governed by a special indigenous jurisdiction; strengthening coordination with actors outside the community, implementing multi-actor and multi-sector alliances; development of education and awareness projects in human rights, development cooperation and indigenous rights.
👉🏽 If you also believe in cooperative development, join the Huottoja Community
Walking with Horses 🐴

🌲 Walking with Horses is a family project that takes place on a one hectare property in the Paraje de Valdearas, Navarra. They have spent six years dedicated to the recovery of abused horses, for their subsequent work as equine therapy horses.
🧑🏽 Its mission is to offer a safe space for children and young people with difficulties, specific needs or at risk of exclusion to improve their quality of life through the benefits of equestrian therapies and contact with nature.
👉🏽 You can strengthen this project by contributing and start Walking with Horses
¡Habemus #Lxs15PiztuMeta2020! 🔥

Against all odds here we meet again! The META! Matchfunding call! It is held for the fifth consecutive year and, after 4 successful editions with a total of 65 funded projects and € 604,708 distributed, this program already knows how to generate trust, arouse interest around it and is establishing itself in Gipuzkoa as a tool available to cultural agents to finance initiatives that are enriching and strengthening the local fabric.
But we are not going to make you dizzy with more figures and we have already come to what you were waiting for ... These are the projects that will be published by their crowdfunding campaign on October 8 and which will have the incentive of matchfunding provided by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa!
- BURUKOAK: the history of the Basque headdresses that went around the world, will rescue an interesting history of Basque culture from oblivion through design and sustainable fashion. Illustration, citizen involvement and support for local production.
- Dis-like will provide the tools to recognize, detect and avoid disorders of personal image derived from the misuse of Social Networks and mobile applications, through the Forum Theater and Virtual Reality.
- Movie Places will propose a new way to enjoy cinema in time of social distance. Looking for new spaces that offer new possibilities, both spatial and to propose debate, knowledge and reflection.
- The Book of Diversity will raise awareness of diversity, with the aim of making different realities visible, through illustration.
- Experiences During The Covid will record the experiences, lived emotions, etc. during confirmation. From the perspective of the elderly, families and professionals who have been by their side.
- Shadows of Beirut will be a short film about refugees in Lebanon, through which they want to denounce the subhuman conditions in which they live.
- Merino Lovers will promote sustainable fashion to make the reality of the woman's body visible, within the "Body Positive" movement, which seeks durability in minimalist garments produced at KM0 and with a 100% sustainable fabric both in origin and in its traceability.
- Luz Climática will generate a series of photographs that appeal to the citizens of Gipuzkoa to open debates about how the rise in the sea would affect different locations and what can be done today to make our crisis our own and respond to it with original, shared and local proposals .
- DravetTZARI will use Basque culture and its activities as an element of social transformation, making visible situations of social vulnerability little known as Dravet syndrome and generating spaces of awareness and support, inclusive culture.
- EHXPERIENCE LABS in IK109 will be a multisensory co-creation laboratory to offer solutions against Covid-19, such as the digital divide in older people, the exploration of new educational models, virtual and extended reality, as well as the relationship of new technologies with artisan processes.
- Rediscover Gipuzkoa! It will create a visual archive of the architectural heritage of the towns and cities of Gipuzkoa, focusing on the most representative historical streets and elements. A representation of their current status; a way to go back to the origin of each one of them and save them for the future. Illustration, postcards, technical sheets.
- Txikia Ederra Da will be a documentary on traditional textile knowledge and practices. Local crafts with workshops and participatory cultural tours.
- The Sound of Crack will record a documentary of denunciation, focused on making known methods of coercion such as modern torture used in the West.
- Angela will be a play to present the figure of Angela, wife of the musician and poet Ipaguirre. Tell the story from the woman's point of view, highlighting her figure.
- Alquimia will be a program of experiences and creativity to work with the emotions of vulnerable groups and the third sector.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!