🥰🥰 Can you love Ibai Llanos and Iridia at the same time? Of course! Can we care about how much and quickly we share funny entertainment content compared to how little and slowly we share harsher denouncement content? Also.
😅🤗 At Goteo, accustomed as we are to communicating so much, we recently realized that not only "what is not told can give the impression that it does not exist", but that a constructive way of conceiving a good means of communication it would simply be seeing it as a community speaking to itself. About what excites us, about what worries us, about what we can do better, about how we will do it... Social networks have managed to be that and our desire is that they continue to be so forever. We also wish it for the more traditional press, which can be educational, transformative and empowering or can be stultifying, immobile and overwhelming. A conviction? That without freedom, the press and the rest of the networks will only have to be second.
🤯😊 Without really knowing how, such lucubrations in recent times have materialized in the launch of powerful campaigns related to plural media. The enormous support received has cleared up any doubts we may have had about its urgent need and once again gives us wings to thank so much energy, to remain attentive and willing to accompany many more initiatives. Just as someone said that, "if we had enough will, almost always we would have enough means...". Well, it's time to say that with so much will, that "almost always" is on its way to becoming "always"! Many thanks!
📬 In this newsletter we present the creation of a left-wing and independent media in the form of a global channel; the project that for the first time in the history of Spanish journalism is positioned as the only communication group with its main shareholders led by women; and finally, an educational proposal in the secondary stage based on a loving, conscious and respectful accompaniment. (We don't know if there is a school diary project in the center, but if there isn't, from here we already invite you to the precious job of sharing experiences, connecting lives and making known what happens in this world of ours that is always on the move. 😜). Let's go with the initiatives!
Canal Red ✋

🤔 A dish? workers? Good quality stuff? International collaborators? Setting up a global means of communication is not easy or cheap and this crowdfunding is the necessary impetus to achieve this great project.
✋ At Canal Red they have a team with previous experience in communication that has always fought for media freedom and for the defense of rights and freedoms. A team of committed and fighting people that does not give in to pressure, blackmail and threats. A team that is made up of women and men like you, made of flesh and blood, who knows what it is to feel displaced and alone before a system dominated by the usual ones.
👉 If you also think a left-wing and independent media outlet in the form of a global channel is necessary, join us on this adventure at goteo.cc/canalredfasedos.
Crónica Libre 📰

📰 Crónica Libre is a new means of communication whose objective is investigation in its purest form, as they demonstrated with their first exclusives uncovering #FerrerasGate or the corruption of UDEF agents. News reports and interviews, both national and international.
🦾 With an agenda committed to society, they give voice to the least heard sectors, such as emptied Spain, the Third Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, as added value. With their own production of audiovisual content (interviews, documentaries and programmes), they want to be a forum for debate and opinion in a country where only 15% of the media have directives.
👉 Support the project that, for the first time in the history of Spanish journalism, is positioned as the only communication group with its main shareholders led by women, contributing in goteo.cc/cronicalibre!
El Planter 🌱

🌱 El Planter is an educational proposal in the secondary stage, in Baix Montseny (Barcelona), focused on fulfillment, happiness, and a coexistence focused on caring for people and relationships. Based on a loving, conscious and respectful accompaniment of the processes and growth rates of all the members of the educational community (young people, companions/educators and families).
🏡 Focused on meaningful learning and motivation, transforming education to put LIFE at the center, this year they have started the seventh year and continue to bring adolescent learning closer to the possibility of reinventing the organizational and participatory structure: learning and practicing, day by day. day, resources and skills of Nonviolent Communication, generating spaces for dialogue, co-creation, decision-making, restoration and conflict resolution.
👉 You can promote this educational path and replicate it in many more places, supporting them in goteo.cc/elplanter22.
Last session Tejiendo Alianzas to boost your #ESS campaign!
The 3 Workshops have been a success and we are going to end the course celebrating it in style! Tomorrow Thursday, from the Platoniq Foundation, we offer an online meeting aimed at cooperatives and entities seeking financing through crowdfunding, which will have the valuable presence and participation of such successful projects as Psicoopera, Projectes Dunia (Tarpuna), Singing through the wall, Bread and roses, Plant a cep in Barcelona, The cooperative home is transforming and Herrian Xaltoka. Take a look at the presentation and sign up if you can.
ONLINE MEETING: Space for exchanging knowledge, experiences and good practices for the promotion of projects
Thursday, December 1 (10:00-12:30)
An online meeting of 2.5 hours will be organized that will allow the exchange of experiences and good practices. It is about establishing a meeting place between entities and projects that can generate synergies in the short and medium term in order to reinforce their role and the promotion of new initiatives. This event will bring together public and private organizations that promote the SSE, and promoters of projects that will represent the different SDGs with their initiatives.
SIGN UP FOR: https://goteo.cc/inscripcionestejiendoalianzas
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. In case you still don't follow us on all existing networks and for having, remind you that 👉we have Telegram Group of Platoniq Foundation and Goteo. Click on the links and follow us!👈 We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!

Following our aim to help develop the commons economy and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! An online meeting cooperative that cares about privacy and allows people and organisations to have quality online meetings with ethical tools.