¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

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  • Contributing € 10

    Calle de la Villa Joiosa

    A "Quart de casa" magnet made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. The "Quart de casa" (quarter of a house) is symbolic of life in the neighbourhood. Many families have grown up in this type of apartments which appeared as a result of splitting the traditional houses from the XVIII century in half, twice.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Calle de Balboa

    “Vermút” in a typical tavern in La Barceloneta for 2 pax + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. Experience the authentic Barceloneta with a delicious vermouth in an emblematic neighbourhood establishment…the ones which have always been around!

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Calle de Andrea Doria

    100% organic cotton bag silkscreened by hand and with a sailor´s knot of La Xarxaire made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. We want to spread the word on our project while reclaiming the use of the cloth bag to do the shopping, hold your homework, etc., avoiding the use of plastic and reducing contamination.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    Calle de la Sal

    A sampling of fishermen’s dishes made from locally-caught seafood for 2pax + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. What lovely seafood we have in the hood!...do you want to try it?

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Calle de Grau y Torras

    Surprise hamper of products made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. In La Xarxaire, we want to value art and culture as forms of social interaction…we’re creating networks!

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75

    Calle Cermeño

    A replica of the 1st stone that was laid in La Barceloneta, in the same site where the building will be built (11 Joan de Borbó) + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. The engineer Cermeño created the project of the Barceloneta neighbourhood based on the project of Marqués de Verboom and the first stone was put in place in 1753!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Calle Ginebra

    “Vermút” for 2pax + a Barceloneta souvenir made by the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + a tour of the 11 Joan de Borbó building + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. You can’t miss out on the vermouth in La Barceloneta, it is without equal!

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Calle de los Mariners

    Tour of the fish market + a case of locally-caught seafood from “La Platjeta” (a fishing boat from the neighbourhood) + 2 100% organic cotton bags silkscreened by hand and with a sailor´s knot of La Xarxaire made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. So you can be like us in La Xarxaire, we have the sailor’s spirit!

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300

    Calle de la Maquinista

    A guided tour of the cooperative movement in La Barceloneta + the book “La forja solidaria de un barrio portuario. La Barceloneta obrera y cooperativa" by Emma Alari and Santi Gorostiza (la Ciutat invisible, 2016) + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. Because the history of La Barceloneta cannot be understood without the sea, or the cooperative movement.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Calle del Mar

    A sampling of sailor’s cuisine for 10pax + a tour of the 11 Joan de Borbó building + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. From the first Puda (a restaurant for sailors) which opened in La Barceloneta in 1870 in the former warehouses of the Wharf until today, our neighbourhood has always been characterized by a great tradition of sailor’s cuisine.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Calle de los Pescadores

    A trip on a fishing boat + sampling for 2pax + a case of locally-caught seafood from “La Platjeta” (a fishing boat from the neighbourhood) + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. An unforgettable experience for lovers of the sea and good food…don’t pass up the opportunity!

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

We want to open a showcase for artistic and cultural initiatives from La Barceloneta which potentiate the local economy

Needs Imprastraktura Minimum Optimum
Supporting structure for the showcase
The structure which creates and defines the designated space for the showcase. According to the criteria of sustainability involved in the creation of La Xarxaire Cooperative, the structure of the ground floor will be constructed with pre-fabricated concrete pillars and pre-slabs.
€ 1.252
Floor surface for the showcase
The floor will be paved with pre-fabricated pieces of concrete, a highly-durable material which creates the relation between interior and exterior. The surface to be paved, 12m2, corresponds exclusively to the showcase.
€ 1.539
Exterior carpentry
Exterior carpentry The glass windows, which represent one of the fundamental parts of a showcase, will be framed according to the criteria of sustainability, with wood coming from locally-sourced (zero-km) certified forests. They consist of two sliding panels measuring 5.7x2.8m and 3.7x2.8 respectively.
€ 3.947
Equipped with electrical, heating, telecommunications and IT systems. Cabling, electrical sockets, single-element radiator and necessary accessories for data transmission.
€ 878
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Costs related to the commission for services rendered by Goteo and the transaction.
€ 478
Needs Materyal Minimum Optimum
Energy-efficient lighting system prepared for different scenarios and possibilities of use in the space/showcase. A wall lamp for general lighting and 3 spotlight-projector roof lamps.
€ 507
Table - counter
A display element based on two tables measuring 160x80cm, easily adaptable to different uses and displays.
€ 190
EPSON EB-S31 projector
€ 362
Protective bars
Two pieces of protective roll-up metal wire mesh measuring 5.7x2.8m and 3.7x2.8m respectively.
€ 800
Two cross-laminated timber panels, 2x2m.
€ 200
Total € 7.216 € 10.153

General information

La Xarxaire wants to be a space for local socioeconomic impulse as well as artistic and cultural revitalization!!!

We want to give the ground floor a use as a showcase, instead of becoming a private commercial space, to promote artistic, artisanal and cultural initiatives from La Barceloneta, potentiating the socioeconomic development of the local community, enhancing and making the local economy visible. We aim to make the ground floor showcase of the housing cooperative La Xarxaire a reality to make the entrepreneurial residents of the neighbourhood visible. We want to be a window, an opportunity, an amplified voice for these socioeconomic initiatives which have been made invisible.

La Xarxaire is a cooperative formed by residents of La Barceloneta with very strong ties to the neighbourhood, an entity which proposes a different way of living and relating to one another through a project of self-managed community living. Although our cooperative has just been recently formed, we want to become another agent who reinforces the Social and Solidarity Economy of La Barceloneta, to be a platform which allows this model to be replicated. A new model of housing which is free from the speculative circuit of buying and selling and abusive rental prices that currently reigns over our city. A model of community living with mutual support and responsibility towards its immediate surroundings.

La Barceloneta of today is a victim of a ruthless process of gentrification, privatization and commercialization of public space. This has led to its residents being dramatically driven out as a result of real-estate speculation which our neighbourhood suffers from. In the face of these great challenges and contradictions in a neighbourhood with a strong cooperative tradition, we have opted for a transformative model of housing where people, the local community and sustainable living are placed in the front and centre, with a strong and unwavering commitment to our surroundings.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

We want to create this showcase-window on the ground floor of La Xarxaire for it to become a transformative socioeconomic project which has a direct impact on the neighbourhood, a project which defends and proposes a real alternative to the economic model that holds our society prisoner, enhancing and making the local economy visible.

Through the ground floor, La Xarxaire wants to be:

  • A space for local cultural and artistic impulse and revitalization.
  • A neighbourhood initiative which reinforces the social and solidarity economy of La Barceloneta.
  • Another neighbourhood collective which defends the identity, culture and tradition of La Barceloneta.
  • A platform for a new model of housing for La Barceloneta and the city.

Our objectives for the ground floor of La Xarxaire are:

  • To generate a space for assemblies and meetings related to initiatives which give back to the community, as well as contribute to its social and solidarity economy.
  • To be a space for work and socioeconomic development of the members of the collective who need it.
  • To create a showcase/amplified voice which serves as a window to the artistic, artisanal and cultural initiatives of the residents of La Barceloneta, potentiating their socioeconomic development.

Why this is important

We live in a society with highly-precarious employment conditions. Temporary and badly-paid jobs which make it impossible to build a decent future and a respectable life project. In this sense, we find professional sectors that experience this precariousness even more dramatically: sectors like craftwork, art, sociocultural activities…These are professionals, mostly freelance, who have to bear a high economic load to move their projects forward (freelance fees, taxes, rent for their workspace…).

In La Barceloneta, the high price of rents for working spaces makes it even more unsustainable. Few available spaces and exorbitant prices. With this scenario, the local community finds itself with a commercial network that is weak, unvaried and threatened by the speculation which the neighbourhood is currently suffering from. The small business, the one that has always been around, is disappearing.

In spite of this, we have detected very interesting and encouraging socioeconomic initiatives coming from the neighbourhood, albeit with low visibility and insufficient recognition.

La Xarxaire wants to be this window, on the very busy street Paseo Joan de Borbó, which gives the impulse and impact on a city-wide level to all these professionals who create pieces of craftwork which are unique, locally-made and come with a high added value. We will talk to professionals of artisan crafts (textiles and clothes, shoe-making, ceramics, jewellery-making, carpentry, book-binding…) so that they can exhibit and give exposure to their work in the format of “resident artist” or pop-ups, with a residence of perhaps three months, with the objective of being able to offer the opportunity to different entrepreneurs from the neighbourhood.

Team and experience

La Xarxaire is a very young cooperative which started to come together in the fall of 2016. However, the vast majority of the members were already connected through being part of various sociocultural initiatives and from participating in the neighbourhood.

Although we are an interdisciplinary group (architects, historians, anthropologists, artists, event producers, designers, political scientists…), the cooperative is very lucky to have on board individuals who formed the Planeta Barceloneta association (artists and artisans from La Barceloneta), who also have their own artistic and cultural projects like Barceloneta Sonora, Nyam Nyam Time or Constructors de Fantasies. Their artistic activity around popular culture and tradition are very present in La Barceloneta and they collaborate with different public facilities in the neighbourhood such as the Community Centre of La Barceloneta, the Barceloneta Library-La Fraternitat, La Fábrica del Sol (sustainable living), el Ateneu de Fabricació (Fab Lab), el Pla Comunitari de la Barceloneta/Barceloneta Proa a la Mar (community projects) or the schools in the neighbourhood, among others. Putting on fairs, exhibitions, workshops and constructing decorations and accessories for local festivals, as well as participating actively in the community, helping revitalize traditional popular festivals of La Barceloneta or collaborating with the rest of the associative network of the neighbourhood.

La Xarxaire is also present in the sphere of Social and Solidarity Economy, participating in the housing sector in relation with Coòpolis (a network of cooperatives) and linked to local development projects like Barceloneta Proa a la Mar del Pla Comunitari de la Barceloneta.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.