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Baynana, primer medio creado por periodistas refugiados en España

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Finished 26 / 06 / 2021
$ 789,438
$ 497,328
$ 1,628,652
512 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Supporter of Baynana

    You get a virtual hug, a mention on our website and exclusive access to our quarterly newsletter.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 120 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    Friend of Baynana

    All of the above and an online thank you postcard from the team.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 126 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    Patron of Baynana (Silver)

    All of the above and your name will appear on the list of Baynana Patrons on our website.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 87 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    Patron of Baynana (Gold)

    All of the above and you will be with us in the office: your name will be printed on our wall.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 % and % of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    Ambassador of Baynana (Bronze)

    All of the above and we will also make a videocall to show our appreciation.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550

    Ambassador of Baynana (Silver)

    All of the above plus with your donation our team will cover a topic of your choice with text and photos.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 13,099

    Ambassador of Baynana (Gold)

    All of the above and with your donation, our team will cover one topic of your choice with text, photos and video. We will highlight your contribution to the article on our website, as well as in the newsletter where the article appears.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32,748

    Guardian of Baynana (Bronze)

    All of the above and in addition, your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for three months. Also, if you wish, you will be able to dedicate a message to our audience.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 76,411

    Guardian of Baynana (Silver)

    Tu nombre y/o logo patrocinarán nuestra newsletter durante tres meses y si lo deseas, podrás dedicar en ella un mensaje a nuestra audiencia. Tu y/o logo apareceráN al final de nuestra web como Guardián de Plata durante un año. Estaremos encantados de recibirte en la oficina para enseñarte nuestro trabajo.

    *Recuerda que toda donación tiene una desgravación fiscal automática de entre el 30 y un 80% de tu aportación. Puedes calcularlo aquí: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109,159

    Guardian of Baynana (Gold)

    Your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for six months and if you wish, you can dedicate a message to our audience. Your logo will appear at the bottom of our website as Golden Guardian** for one year. We will be happy to welcome you in the office to show you our work, get to know us better and discuss about the project.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,309,908

    Guardian Angel of Baynana

    Thanks to you, Baynana will be able to operate for an entire year. You will have our eternal gratitude. Your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for six months and if you wish, you can dedicate a message to our audience.Your logo will appear at the bottom of our website as Baynana's Super Guardian permanently. We will meet with you to understand what motivated your incredible donation and how we can work together to help Baynana operate independently in the future.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of 30-80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Support a kind of journalism in which migrants and refugees speak up. #FundBaynana

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Our journalists do research, conduct interviews, write articles, produce video, edit and take the pictures that illustrate our pieces. Maintaining our newsroom of four people working part-time would cost 22,780 euros.
$ 497,328
Our magazine is bilingual in Arabic and Spanish, although at the moment we are unable to translate 100% of the contents due to a lack time. Hiring a professional translator in order to have a higher proportion of our articles in both languages would cost 2,500 euros.
$ 54,580
Although Baynana has been conceived by a group of Syrian journalists, our goal is to expand our network of contributors as much as possible in order to more accurately reflect different sensitivities and profiles within the refugee and migrant community. And we want to pay in a dignified and fair manner those who join our team to make it more diverse and complete. For this, we would need a minimum of 2,500 euros per year.
$ 54,580
Communication and Social Media
Reaching the migrant community is not easy and requires intense advocacy actions, networking and community building. To grow large enough to reach all the people this project is ideally aimed at, we would need at least 1,000 euros.
$ 21,832
If we want Baynana's staff of four to work full time, we would need an additional 27,620.
$ 602,994
If we want to be able to translate all our content, we would ideally need an additional amount of 2,500 euros.
$ 54,580
If we want to build a stable base of contributors, it would be convenient to ensure a number of monthly pieces. And for that we would need an additional 2,500 euros.
$ 54,580
Communication and Social Media
With an extra of 2,000 euros, we could also hire a person to support us with one-off campaigns, membership recruitment, development of marketing materials, etc.
$ 48,030
Needs Materyal Minimum Optimum
Although we got some essential equipment thanks to donations from generous people who believe in our project, we would need more materials to be able to do a decent job, such as a second camera, a computer suitable for editing, editing software and studio equipment to produce our audiovisual materials. This would cost a minimum of 3,000 euros.
$ 65,495
Producing good video, photo and graphics needs hard work, but i even more with old laptops. We think that with a new computer we could do wonders. But for that, we would need 2,000 euros more.
$ 43,664
Needs Imprastraktura Minimum Optimum
Web maintainance
Baynana's website has been built with the tireless work of two people: our colleague and co-founder of the magazine Moussa and Roberto, a good friend of porCausa. But we need more hands to ensure the stability of the website and help us improve its design, usability and maintenance. We estimate that this would cost 1,500 euros per year.
$ 32,748
Crowdfunding Costs
Goteo's 5% commission for its services and around 2% for PayPal, commissions and bank charges on the minimum amount obtained.
$ 43,664
Crowdfunding costs
Goteo's 5% commission for its services and around 2% for PayPal, commissions and bank charges on the optimal amount obtained.
$ 54,580
Total $ 497,328 $ 1,628,652

General information


Human beings have been in transit for as long as we have existed, whether out of economic necessity or pure survival: migration is part of the history of humanity, and has always been a driving force for change and social progress. However, more recently, something so basic seems to have been forgotten: we are living in dark times where fear of the other is spreading, the 'us' against 'them' is becoming more and more prevalent and too many media outlets reproduce and reinforce this conflict in our societies.

A year and a half ago, we, a group of Syrian journalists, arrived in Spain after leaving behind our country, immersed in a seemingly endless war. We found a supportive place with people who welcomed us, but we also experienced the hate speech against those who, like us, were born elsewhere or have a different skin tone.

So, we said to ourselves that it was necessary to have a medium in which we could all feel represented. It is in this spirit that Baynana was born, a digital magazine in Arabic and Spanish that talks about the social issues faced by migrants and refugees. A medium that shows their role in Spanish society, in which they live, of which they are part of, to which they contribute and which they enrich with their culture, their work, their history, their traditions…

We want to make their struggles and dreams, which are no different from the rest, visible: highlighting what unites us as human beings instead of what separates us. Baynana means "Among us" and embraces us all: 'we' are 'all', there is no 'others' or 'them'.

We believe that, despite what we are told, Spain is a diverse and tolerant society, that welcomes those who come from somewhere else with open arms. We want to represent ALL the people who live here, people who connect and interact, people who come with nothing and manage to improve their lives (and the lives of many others). Talking about the small, everyday victories of the invisible. Although it is not very common these days, we want to talk about friendship, tolerance, coexistence and love.

This project has been built with few material resources and tons of excitement, but to keep it alive we need funding. The four people who make up Baynana's permanent staff need proper and decent working conditions. We need the right materials and equipment that allow us to create the best visual content. If we want to be truly inclusive, we also need to expand our team to people of other perspectives, backgrounds and nationalities. We also want to tell stories that happen outside of Madrid, where we are currently based. To do all that, we need more resources. All proceeds the funds will go entirely to the project (that's also why we have chosen not to offer material rewards): we want to use every penny to do the journalism we believe in.

Will you help us to continue to exist?

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

What do we want to do?

  • Make the daily reality of the refugee and migrant community visible, address issues of concern of these groups and talk about their experiences in the first person, from the multitude of voices that they represent.
  • Offer useful and quality information to help navigate through the legal and bureaucratic systems of the host country.
  • Fight the existing stereotypes and hate speech.
  • Build bridges between the migrant and refugee community and Spanish society as a whole, to bring different parts of society closer together, emphasizing our common history and culture.

How do we want to do this?

Our magazine covers issues of politics, society, culture, history and human rights through reports, articles, interviews and videos, with a commitment to cautious and responsible journalism. At Baynana we also believe that journalism should be a tool for public service and social transformation, acting as an integrating element.

Thus, among the first topics we have covered at Baynana has been finding the story of migrants who were able to open a business in Spain and began to create jobs in their host country. Or that of the Moroccan women living in Cañada Real, who have become the driving force behind the protest for the rights of their community. Other reports tell the stories of the Arab influence on dishes that are considered the most typical and iconic of the Spanish cuisine, or the interview with Ashraf Karach, a Spanish-Moroccan influencer who fights racism and Islamophobia through social networks. Or the story of Malak Zunji, a Lebanese woman who started a project to employ refugees as chefs.
In addition, in our commitment to offering useful information to our readers, we have created a specific section (for now, only in Arabic) to answer foreigners' questions on bureaucratic and legal matters such as access to education and healthcare, work and residence permits, etc. We are now working on creating videos to complement these texts in order to facilitate the understanding and dissemination of this information.

We are also writing reports collaboratively with Spanish journalists to learn from each other and create different stories... and we have many more ideas... Can you help us put them into practice?

* Why us?

Today, the media's portrayal of migration is usually in terms of threat and danger. Fortunately, there are also a number of media outlets that are producing respectful and sensitive reports, trying to change the social perception of migration for the better... but we are still missing an insider's perspective. For example, since we arrived in Spain, many have been interested in our story, but too often they end up defining us exclusively by our status as refugees. That is a part of who we are, but we are much more than that. We don't like to be treated as victims, nor do we want others to become our spokesperson: we want to take the floor and tell our own stories. Do you want to listen to us?

We believe that it is more necessary than ever to build a medium in which migrants, children of migrants, refugees and racialized people feel reflected and acknowledged, and to speak to them in their own language. We believe we can tell these stories in a different way because we have been and still are in the shoes of all these people. We do not like to be talked about exclusively in terms of victims or executioners and we believe that we can explain complex realities with all their nuances, far from simplistic discourses. Help us change the narrative, fight intolerance and reflect stories that matter. Small and big. Spread the word about this campaign and collaborate. Fund #MigrantJournalism, fund #Baynana. Because this media is built 'Between Us' and by 'All of us'.

sin-titulo-209.png sin-titulo1-2-.png sin-titulo4-1-.png

Why this is important

The support network that has welcomed us in Spain and helped us to get started has been incredible: thanks to donations and the contribution of many people who have given us their time generously and selflessly, we have been able to build our website and produce our first reports.

We are eager to do journalism and continue learning... but to be sustainable we need more resources. For example, we still need basic equipment, such as cameras or computers to edit our materials. We need professional translators to help us translate and adapt our pieces into Spanish. We also need a larger and more diverse team, which will allow us to tell what is happening outside Madrid and bring different perspectives to the project.

If you believe that it is necessary to create and promote news media where more diverse voices are heard; if you believe, as we do, that journalism should serve to offer useful tools, then support the first media created by and for the migrant and refugee community that actively advocates connecting among those who live in Spain and combat hate speech.

Can we count on you?

Team and experience

We are proud to say that Baynana is the first media in Spain designed and managed by refugees. Our team exists of four Syrian journalists and friends who arrived in Spain in 2019 after leaving Syria because of the war. Our project was born with the help of the porCausa Foundation, an organisation we met shortly after arriving in our new host country and whose members have become our second family. With their help, we have started to build this magazine, which we hope will soon be joined by more collaborators from other places thanks to you. For the time being, we are Baynana:

Ayham al-Ghareeb: he studied Arabic Literature at the University of Damascus. Since the beginning of the war in Syria, he has worked as a reporter and also in the education sector with various humanitarian organisations. He has been living in Spain since mid-2019, where he is a teacher of Arabic, and an editor and publisher at Baynana.

Moussa al Jamaat: Syrian journalist living in Madrid since 2019, he started studying Computer Science at the University of Damascus, but abandoned his studies due to the eruption of the Syrian conflict. Between 2011 and 2019 he worked as a reporter and photographer for local news agencies. Moussa now works as a reporter, photographer and is in charge of Baynana's website.

Okba Mohamed: covered the war in southern Syria from 2015 to 2018 for local media and focused on documenting human rights violations of detainees during the conflict. In 2019 he worked as a freelance correspondent in Turkey and later travelled to Spain, where he has collaborated with media outlets such as Global Voices and the daily Público. He currently works as a reporter for Baynana.

Muhammad Subat: a journalist specialized in war conflict, social and political issues in Syria and the Middle East, with more than 5 years of experience in media outlets such as Syria TV. As a refugee and migrant, he currently develops his professional work reporting on migration, refugees, inequalities and social justice for Baynana.

Andrea Olea: with a degree in Journalism and a Masters in Democracy and Human Rights in the Arab World, she has worked as a correspondent for nearly a decade, first in France and then in Lebanon and the Middle East, collaborating with Spanish and international media such as Público, eldiario.es, Pikara, AFP Agency and Euronews, among others. She is currently the coordinator of Baynana.

At Baynana we want to fight hatred and promote understanding by telling stories about everyone to everyone. We work for public service journalism that helps build a fairer and more pluralistic society.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.