Contributing $ 11
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
> 14 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Let's make two new solidarity flats!
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
Gratitude rewards, plus a mention in both the archive of the FONS. website campaigns and in the communication materials made by Empriu and Xicoira to talk about the project.
Gratitude rewards, plus a mention in both the archive of the FONS. website campaigns and in the communication materials made by Empriu and Xicoira to talk about the project.
Mention rewards, plus visits to Empriu and Xicoira projects once they are already living there (it is estimated that the works will be finished around 2024).
Mention rewards, plus visits to Empriu and Xicoira projects once they are already living there (it is estimated that the works will be finished around 2024).
Mention rewards, plus visits to Empriu and Xicoira projects once they are already living there (it is estimated that the works will be finished around 2024).
Rewards for Project visits, plus appear in the history of FONS. campaigns as main sponsors of this campaign
Rewards for Project visits, plus appear in the history of FONS. campaigns as main sponsors of this campaign
FEM UNA CRIDA A LA SOLIDARITAT aquests últims dies abans que s’esgoti el temps de campanya.
Queden pocs dies, però encara estem convençudes que és possible la remuntada. Per això us animem a fer tota la difusió possible de la campanya a persones properes perquè realitzin alguna donació o donin suport.
🚩 Com es pot donar suport?
✅ Fent una donació
✅ Convidant a altres persones a donar suport a la campanya
✅Compartint en les vostres xarxes socials la crida a la solidaritat . #habitatgecooperatiu #PisosSolidaris
La campanya ‘Fem 2 pisos solidaris’ ve impulsada per Coop57, La Dinamo, Sostre Cívic, Holon, Goteo i Coopdevs per recolzar la creació de 2 habitatges cooperatius als projectes d’Empriu i La Xicoira i facilitar l’entrada als projectes a persones del col·lectiu migrant (+informació a:
Aquesta campanya de micromecenatge vol aconseguir recursos per cobrir part de l’entrada a dos pisos solidaris per facilitar l'entrada a més persones del col·lectiu migrant. Comptem amb espais i entitats de referència en l'autogestió i l'acompanyament del col·lectiu migrant i l’habitatge com el Cercle de Migracions de Coòpolis, la Comissió Catalana d'Ajuda al Refugiat o Punt de Referència.
L’habitatge cooperatiu en cessió d’ús és un nou model treballant pel dret a l’habitatge que està demostrant ser una via practicable per l’accés a l’habitatge. Però encara no és accessible per totes les capes de la població.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
> 14 Co-financiers
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
> 20 Co-financiers
Thanks by email with graphic material of the campaign.
> 07 Co-financiers
Gratitude rewards, plus a mention in both the archive of the FONS. website campaigns and in the communication materials made by Empriu and Xicoira to talk about the project.
> 11 Co-financiers
Gratitude rewards, plus a mention in both the archive of the FONS. website campaigns and in the communication materials made by Empriu and Xicoira to talk about the project.
> 01 Co-financiers
Project visits
Mention rewards, plus visits to Empriu and Xicoira projects once they are already living there (it is estimated that the works will be finished around 2024).
> 09 Co-financiers
Project visits
Mention rewards, plus visits to Empriu and Xicoira projects once they are already living there (it is estimated that the works will be finished around 2024).
> 03 Co-financiers
Project visits
Mention rewards, plus visits to Empriu and Xicoira projects once they are already living there (it is estimated that the works will be finished around 2024).
> 01 Co-financiers
Campaign sponsors on the FONS. website
Rewards for Project visits, plus appear in the history of FONS. campaigns as main sponsors of this campaign
> 02 Co-financiers
Campaign sponsors on the FONS. website
Rewards for Project visits, plus appear in the history of FONS. campaigns as main sponsors of this campaign
> 03 Co-financiers