¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Kailas Ashram

Finished 16 / 09 / 2022
$ 101,717
$ 75,658
$ 95,579
268 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Donation 1
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3

    If you contribute €30, the tax authorities will reimburse you €24. Your actual expenditure will be €6.

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Donation 2
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)

    If you contribute €50, the tax authorities will reimburse you €40. Your actual expenditure will be 10€.

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Donation 3
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)

    If you contribute 100€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 80€. Your actual expenditure will be €20.

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Donation 4
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)
    • Book signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

    If you contribute 200€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 137,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 62,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544

    Donation 5
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya Notebook (Size A6)
    • 2 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you bring 500€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 242,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 257,20€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,089

    Donation 6
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya Notebook (Size A5)
    • 3 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you bring 1000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 417,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 582,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,177

    Donation 7
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)
    • 4 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 2000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 767,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 1232,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,443

    Donation 8
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)
    • 5 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 5000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 1817,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 3182,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,886

    Donation 9
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebooks (Size A5)
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebooks (Size A6)
    • 6 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 10.000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 3567,50€. Your actual expenditure will be € 6432,50 .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27,215

    Donation 10
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebooks (Size A6)
    • All books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 25.000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 8817,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 16182,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

268 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

$ 33

Maria de Lourdes Soto

$ 22
$ 54
$ 27

Silvia M.

$ 353

Marta Gonzalez Urrea

$ 109

Luis Misa Calviño

$ 1,089
Support message:
Hari Om! He realizado el pago en tres plazos a través de PayPal, al no poder realizarlo de una vez por limite de la tarjeta... Me alegra mucho tener a svamiji mucho mas cerca, a menos de cuatro horas, cuando antes estaba a unas doce... ;) Me gustaría poder hablar con alguién para programar una visita, no sé si podré ayudar en algo, o simplemente para conocer personalmente el proyecto y poder programar alguna estancia, colaboración... Además hay algún paraje cerca que creo podría interesarle conocer a svamiji, y me ofrezco a acompañarle y mostrárselo, depués de haberlo hecho con Fisterra. Este vídeo creo que le puede interesar aunque está en gallego... sobre un tema que compartimos, como algunas tradiciones sobre el culto al sol y piedras comunes a las tradiciones indoeuropeas aún se pueden rastrear actualmente. El lugar está a unas dos horas de Aliste... https://youtu.be/Uzjd-8ArBQ4 Mi teléfono es 610505334 Abrazos

Antonino Martín Palomo

$ 109


$ 871
$ 544

Pilar Segura

$ 1,089
$ 218


$ 163
$ 1,089


$ 109