Contributing $ 109
Ecological pencil
Solidarity ecological pencil silk-screened by Orquesta Escuela. Branch type.
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> 01 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
New location for the Zaragoza School Orchestra
Solidarity ecological pencil silk-screened by Orquesta Escuela. Branch type.
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Screen-printed page-size stave notebook from Orquesta Escuela. 3 colors to choose from: red, green or gray.
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Orquesta Escuela Notebook staves to choose between green, red and gray + ecological pen silk-screened "tree branch".
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Choose between green, yellow or red with black logo, or black with white logo. Sizes: 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-10 years. 11-12 years, M and L.
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Duration of 30' for children from 5 to 12 years old and 45' for people over 12 years old or adults. We will specify the day and time with you.
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Orquesta Escuela T-shirt + Orquesta Escuela staves notebook.
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Pack with all the screen-printed Orquesta Escuela material: t-shirt, staff notebook and pen.
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Personalized thanks during our upcoming performances + scoop information on our upcoming activities and initiatives.
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Personalized thanks during upcoming performances + information about our upcoming activities and initiatives + t-shirt
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A free ticket to the next performance of the Solidarity School Orchestra at the Zaragoza Auditorium on December 14, 2024.
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4 1-hour instrument classes of your choice with the teacher you prefer from our group. You can distribute them over a year
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Two tickets for the performance of the Solidarity School Orchestra at the Zaragoza Auditorium on December 14, 2024 + thanks
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Vintage Hammond organ model Pipper II, in perfect condition, valued at 600 euros.
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Micro performance in duo format for celebration or surprise to your family or friends.
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Micro performance in trio format for celebration or surprise to your family or friends.
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Micro performance in quartet format for celebration or surprise to your family or friends.
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From Harinera ZGZ to Las Armas
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Minimum | Optimum |
Rental deposit Las Armas 78
Deposit payment
$ 8,449 | |
Rental May 2024 - April 2025
Payment of monthly rental payments for the premises from May 2024 to April 2025.
$ 56,326 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
20 / 5.000 Restore 6 violins
Tune up and restore 6 violins with our usual luthier. These are a Palatino 1/2 violin, a Soka 3/4 violin and 4 4/4 violins, a Genial Violins, a Gewa and two others from the Shimro brand.
$ 15,566 | |
Restore 2 cellos
Restore and tune up 2 cellos with our usual luthier. These are a Corina 4/4 and a Genial Violins 4/4 donated to the instrument library.
$ 5,938 | |
Production costs final course concert
Because we do not have the support of Harinera ZGZ or any other financial support to carry out the final concert of the course, we will need to cover the production costs of the final concert of the Solidarity School Orchestra in which 120 young people and little artists on June 2 at the Tío Jorge Civic Center.
$ 68,181 | |
Personnel expenses last Orquesta Escuela Solidaria rehearsal
Because we do not have the support of Harinera ZGZ or any other financial support for the last rehearsal of the Solidarity School Orchestra, we will need to cover the hiring costs of the 12 professional musicians who will accompany and play alongside 120 young people and small artists throughout the morning in what may be the last rehearsal we perform at Harinera ZGZ on Saturday, May 18.
$ 20,478 | |
Video and photography of the last concert and last rehearsal
Professional photography and video sessions of the last Orquesta Escuela Solidaria rehearsal and the final concert of the course.
$ 24,102 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
Office table
Furniture for the office. 2 easels with a chipboard for table.
$ 786 | |
3 shelves
Furniture for the office. 3 pine shelves, the most economical.
$ 2,489 | |
Total | $ 64,775 | $ 202,315 |
We're moving!
Asociación Orquesta Escuela Zaragoza moved our headquarters from Harinera ZGZ to Las Armas 78.
After 6 years as residents of the award-winning Harinera ZGZ community space, we moved to a Zaragoza Vivienda public spacie, available to us for rent for a minimum period of one year.
From our entity we need a work space to organize our projects, such as Orquesta Escuela Social y Solidaria or the Musical Instrument Library, which serves as an office and storage center.
In this uncertain period, we dream of returning to live and carry out activities in Harinera ZGZ (and who knows, perhaps even being residents again). Or perhaps a new residences into our beloved Auditorium of Zaragoza... Meanwhile, we are going to take advantage of the collaborative relationship that we have had with the Las Armas Musical Center since this year and we are moving to a space that allows us to continue the community rehearsals of the Orquesta Escuela Solidaria, thanks to the nearby Musical Center. In addition, this new space is located in the Historic Center, where we have already been working since 2021 from different schools: CEIP Santo Domingo, Colegio Carmen y San José and CEIP Tenerías.
From our association we want to carry out activities aimed at facilitating access for citizens to exercise their right to create their own culture with our economic resources. We don't want to spend our resources paying for offices. But for now, the music can't stop, and we need you!
Orquesta Escuela is a non-profit association that works to promote community musical projects through orchestras as a fundamental axis. The objective of all the programs, proposals and initiatives that we promote is to mobilize resources so that music becomes an accessible right for the entire population, regardless of their conditions, working in favor of the sustainable development goals 1 (end of poverty), 4 (quality education), 10 (reduction of inequalities) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities).
The priority projects that we promote from our entity are:
Orquesta Escuela Social
Musical training program aimed at minors at risk of social exclusion, which encourages their cross-learning, interest in cultural consumption and active participation in cultural entities in their environment. This program has no cost for minors, being fully accessible from the socioeconomic point of view of the homes from which they come, and serves as a platform for the Solidarity School Orchestra, which we describe later. We hold between 1 and 3 weekly sessions with each artist throughout the school year.
Musical Instruments Library
Free loan service of musical instruments, for families or for institutions (educational centers, third sector entities...). This platform is essential to ensure equitable access for the entire population to musical education and its additional benefits. However, this is a unique initiative in Aragon and very little replicated by the rest of the Spanish State, given that there are only 2 of us in the entire country. More than 100 requests are attended to each year, both from families and institutions.
Orquesta Escuela Solidaria
Community rehearsal program open to all citizens, with the aim of carrying out artistic productions. The rehearsals are held once a month, in an intensive format, and are attended by both minors from the Social School Orchestra program and from the Conservatory or Music Schools of the city, turning the experience into a meeting where different young people with very different socioeconomic contexts come together. In the orchestra, our small and young artists share learning through music. Thanks to this initiative, we also carry out joint trips, such as the one we made last summer to participate in the Side by Side meeting in Göteborg (Sweden), our recent concert at the National Auditorium in Madrid this April 29 or the exchange this coming summer in Urbino and Pesaro (Italy) thanks to El Sistema Europe.
A musical group is much more than an artistic structure. It is a school for the personal and social development of minors, children and adolescents. They are ideal spaces for the cultivation of attitudes and skills, ethical, aesthetic and democratic values.
For this reason, the origin of our entity was based on achieving the promotion and creation of the first Social Children and Youth Orchestra of Zaragoza, following the model of a symphony orchestra, due to its great artistic particularity and its impact on the cultural environment.
Why an orchestra? First, because it is conceived as a social development program, whose objective, beyond artistic creation, is to promote cohesion and integration, individual growth and the feeling of collective responsibility of the participants. Second, because it is a genuine opportunity for the democratization of culture, making an artistic discipline, classical music, associated as a possibility for families with economic resources, becoming accessible to girls, boys, adolescents and young people of all ages. Social strata. Third, because orchestral formations have from the beginning a network organization model, not verticalized, which is the model of the most dynamic and fair organizations. And fourth, because the methodology of the School Orchestras and the pedagogical and artistic movement that we represent, “El Sistema”, have demonstrated in their almost 50 years of existence that long-term projects, based on stable and lasting communities, are fundamental to achieving profound changes in our system.
In the last 6 years and with the important headquarters of Harinera ZGZ, we have managed to generate a new space for orchestral gatherings in our city from an attractive approach, based on joy and closeness, as well as innovation. Since our beginnings, we have been constantly seeking to grow the scope of our programs.
The abrupt, unexpected and dramatic change of direction of Harinera ZGZ (still pending to be specifically defined) inevitably forces us to seek immediate solutions for the continuity of our programs and initiatives. There has still not been any type of contact or solution offered by the City Council directly with our entity. The projects, some of them with European funding and which we had managed to locate in Harinera ZGZ, a public space, need a solution. Now we need a quick solution so that our projects can be maintained, now or, if necessary, also in the long term.
Orquesta Escuela is a non-profit association specialized in the promotion, management and production of community music projects, made up of musicians and cultural managers from Aragon or who live in Aragon (Spain). We are united by a vision of musical art as a tool for social transformation and citizen empowerment, basing our artistic intervention programs on participation.
From our entity, created in 2016, we have been developing projects that are committed to a musical artistic expression in which citizens feel challenged, favoring the creation of new audiences and enabling the artists themselves to create their own culture, from a current perspective, youthful and innovative in our city.
We have received various awards throughout our 8 years of experience, such as the Social and Cooperative Entrepreneurship Ideas Award awarded by the University of Zaragoza, the 3rd CREAR Young Aragonese Creators Award, awarded by the Government of Aragon or the 1st National Young Award Innovation Award awarded by the Tomillo Foundation and CVC Partners.
We are also one of the founding members of the Social Music Network, promoted by the High Commissioner against Child Poverty and members of El Sistema Europe, having participated in 3 European meetings as representatives of our city. Since 2024 we have also been members of the European Solidarity Corps.
Currently our group is made up of 18 professional music artists who work with a stable group of 120 children between the ages of 5 and 17. We are united by our musical training and passion for orchestras, as well as by our social commitment through culture.
We are a group of professional musicians of community culture. We promote social music projects, so that the possibility of creating art becomes a reality accessible to everyone.
Ecological pencil
Solidarity ecological pencil silk-screened by Orquesta Escuela. Branch type.
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> 01 Co-financiers
Orquesta Escuela Stave Notebook
Screen-printed page-size stave notebook from Orquesta Escuela. 3 colors to choose from: red, green or gray.
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> 00 Co-financiers
Pentagram notebook + pen
Orquesta Escuela Notebook staves to choose between green, red and gray + ecological pen silk-screened "tree branch".
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> 00 Co-financiers
T-shirt with Orquesta Escuela logo
Choose between green, yellow or red with black logo, or black with white logo. Sizes: 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-10 years. 11-12 years, M and L.
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> 18 Co-financiers
Individual class of the instrument you prefer "your first class"
Duration of 30' for children from 5 to 12 years old and 45' for people over 12 years old or adults. We will specify the day and time with you.
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> 01 Co-financiers
T-shirt + notebook
Orquesta Escuela T-shirt + Orquesta Escuela staves notebook.
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> 01 Co-financiers
Super Orquesta Escuela Pack: t-shirt, notebook and pencil
Pack with all the screen-printed Orquesta Escuela material: t-shirt, staff notebook and pen.
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> 04 Co-financiers
Thank you: become our featured fan
Personalized thanks during our upcoming performances + scoop information on our upcoming activities and initiatives.
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> 00 Co-financiers
Thank you + t-shirt
Personalized thanks during upcoming performances + information about our upcoming activities and initiatives + t-shirt
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> 01 Co-financiers
Thank you + Admission to the performance at the Auditorium on December 14, 2024
A free ticket to the next performance of the Solidarity School Orchestra at the Zaragoza Auditorium on December 14, 2024.
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> 01 Co-financiers
Pack of 4 master individual instrument classes
4 1-hour instrument classes of your choice with the teacher you prefer from our group. You can distribute them over a year
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> 07 Co-financiers
Gratitude + Two tickets to see Orquesta Escuela Solidaria
Two tickets for the performance of the Solidarity School Orchestra at the Zaragoza Auditorium on December 14, 2024 + thanks
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> 00 Co-financiers
Hammond Piper II
Vintage Hammond organ model Pipper II, in perfect condition, valued at 600 euros.
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> 00 Co-financiers
Micro performance: duo format
Micro performance in duo format for celebration or surprise to your family or friends.
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> 01 Co-financiers
Micro performance: trio format
Micro performance in trio format for celebration or surprise to your family or friends.
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> 00 Co-financiers
Micro performance: quartet format.
Micro performance in quartet format for celebration or surprise to your family or friends.
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> 00 Co-financiers
From the Instrument Library we collect violins, violas, cellos, double basses, electronic pianos, keyboards and wind instruments. It doesn't matter
We need furniture, no matter if it looks old or used. We will need tables, shelves and chairs.