Contributing $ 109
Web recognition
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 10 Co-financiers
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Manual de Supervivencia Maker
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
"Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)
If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).
A book of tips and instructions to build things with your own hands. Start the projects that you've always dreamed about!
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Minimum | Optimum |
Create content for the initial version of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Generate the content with information and pictures as well as prepare a hands-on activity related to the content of each chapter.
$ 28,284 | |
Format the notes of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Format the content of the different notes for online visualisation as well as for PDF format.
$ 21,757 | |
Publishing of the first 20 notes
Upload the content for the first chapters to our web server.
$ 8,703 | |
Design of the standard note for our guide
Design of a standard note for our guide that will serve as a template so that we can continue creating more content in the future in a simple and modular way.
$ 6,527 | |
Keyrings and fridge magnets for individual rewards
Design and production of keyrings and fridge magnets for individual rewards
$ 10,879 | |
Creation of the content of the second half of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Generate content with information and pictures of the additional chapters as well as prepare a hands-on activity related to the content of each new chapter.
$ 14,142 | |
Format the notes of the second half of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Format the content of the second half of the guide for online visualisation as well as for PDF format.
$ 10,879 | |
Publishing of the notes of the second half of the "Maker Survival guide"
Upload the content from the second half of the guide to our web server.
$ 4,351 | |
Arrangements to print paper copies of the book
Preparation and adaptation of the eBook to a format suitable for paper printing. Follow-up of the printing process.
$ 21,757 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
T-shirts for rewards
Design and production of 100 T-shirts for individual rewards
$ 10,879 | |
Pieces and materials required for handmade keyrings and fridge magnets
Purchasing of all the components and materials required to make Makespace Madrid keyrings and fridge magnets for individual rewards
$ 10,879 | |
Printing on demand
Printing on demand of the guide costs approximately 20€/book.
$ 21,757 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
Arrangements in the space
Prepare the space to organise online videoconferences with makers and the visits to the space resulting from individual rewards.
$ 4,351 | |
Total | $ 102,258 | $ 175,145 |
Makespace Madrid ( is a physical space where we work with digital fabrication technologies, such as 3D printers, to create projects and prototypes. We use open hardware, such as Arduino, that enable us to turn our ideas into something tangible and useful. Makespace is non-profit association that is sustained without public money or subsidies thanks to periodic fees and other material contributions from its members.
We launched this project a little over a year ago and during this time many people have shown interest in learning more about these technologies and ways of working.
Since Spanish literature about the maker topic is rather scarce, we decided to capture our learnings and procedures in a book. The objective is to share our know-how with anyone who also wants to embrace the ¨do it yourself ¨ philosophy and start to make their projects a reality.
The Maker Survival Guide will be composed of multiple practical notes that will help introduce the reader to the maker world using open technologies. The book will explain how to 3D print an object, how to make silicone rubber moulds with low cost technologies or how to take your first steps with Arduino, as well as many other topics. We will also publsh instructions for more advanced projects such as how to create your own holograms or how to synthesize sound with the help of fresh fruit.
The proposed index for the "Manual of Maker Survival" is as follows:
Introduction to the maker movement.
Working in a workshop (O).
** Experience at Makespace Madrid: hints, errors, lessons learned.
Electronics with Arduino.
Introduction to Arduino.
Getting started with Arduino.
Practical examples using Arduino.
Other Arduino variants and derivatives (O).
** Arduino Yún (O) .
Internet of Things or how to connect objects to internet.
What is an Internet of Things.
Bluetooth and mobile connectivity.
How to connect a thermometer to the web.
Processing and Android, how to use it to connect your objects through your mobile.(O)
3D Printing.
Introduction to 3D printing using free hardware and software.
Clone Wars project - genealogy and miracles (O)
Design for 3D printing.
3D printing workflow.
Hints to callibrate your 3D printer. (O)
Recycling plastic: extruder machine to make 3D printing plastic filament
Milling for PCB production.
Introduction to milling.
Preparing the workspace and precautions.
Workflow to produce PCBs.
Other uses of desktop milling machines. Practical examples with step by step instructions. (O)
Laser cutting.
Introduction to laser cutting.
Preparing the workspace and precautions.
** Workflow.
Silicone rubber molds.
Introduction to creating low-cost silicone rubber molds.
Preparing the workspace and precautions.
** Workflow to make one-sided molds and casting with rigid polyurethane.
Vinyl cutting.
Introduction to vinyl cutting.
Step-by-step instructions to replicate our best projects. (O)
Sound synthesis with fresh fruit.
** Using "sugru" for daily tasks.
Interesting maker initiatives, spaces and projects running in Spain.
The final content of the book may change slightly as we move forward with the project. Topics marked with an (O) will only be written if we reach the optimal level of funding.
This project is aimed at everyone who wants to know more about the maker culture and its creative tools: digital manufacturing, open source software and design, collaborative creation, etc..
These tools will enable you to create all types of different projects in a simple and economic way. Many projects begin as scribbles sketched on a napkin and then take shape as prototypes before reaching its final form as a product. We at Makespace Madrid want to share our knowledge so that more people can start making and launching their own projects.
The aim of the campaign is to create this digital book about maker culture. The book should help you to take your first steps in the world of rapid prototyping.
We also want this campaign to highlight the work made at similar spaces in different parts of Spain, letting them share their progress, learnings and current projects.
Our Goteo campaign is organised in two levels. If we reach the basic level of funding, we will create the core guide that will cover all the technologies listed in the index. If we reach the optimal level of funding, we will write a more comprehensive book that will include addtional chapters, tutorials and step by step instructions. These extra topics are marked in the index with an (O).
Additionally we will hold online meetings to explore in a more relaxed way the different topics covered in the book. In each of these hangouts, we will gather members of Makespace Madrid and other experts and let them share their experiences. All these meetings will be recorded and released later.
Makespace Madrid is a community of more than fifty people, with hands-on and teaching experience on all the topics covered in the book. Each topic will be explained in the format of a practical note that will make it easier for the reader to understand and apply the technologies. The contents are being developed by members of Makespace Madrid who have mastered the techniques by applying them in their own projects at the space..
In 2013, Makespace organized the Hardware Freedom Day and the Software Freedom Day in Madrid, We also organised over 20 open workshops on Arduino and 3D printing.
Two members of the space have working experience in print layout and in paper printing to format the digital book,and publish the paper book.
We have participated likewise in multiple online conferences and meetings similar to the ones that we plan to organise in parallel to the publication of the book.
Web recognition
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 10 Co-financiers
Maker keyring and Web recognition
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 07 Co-financiers
eBook "Maker Survival Guide"
Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 97 Co-financiers
"Maker Survival Guide" eBook with personalised cover
"Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 09 Co-financiers
Makespace Madrid T-shirt and web recognition
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website
> 08 Co-financiers
Print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 43 Co-financiers
Mega Maker Pack
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 19 Co-financiers
Personalised videoconference support from our makers
Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 00 Co-financiers
Giga Maker Pack
Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 15 Co-financiers
Tera Maker Tour: exclusive guided visit to Makespace Madrid with coffee and cake
Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 03 Co-financiers
Be our next Peta Maker
In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)
> 00 Co-financiers
"Maker Survival Guide" Sponsor
If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).
> 02 Co-financiers
To translate the generated content into English and other languages
People that want to collaborate to prepare additional content for the "Maker Survival Guide".
People that can review the content of the guide to correct errors.
People that want to help to format the notes of the content in the "Maker Survival Guide"