Contributing $ 5
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 13 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
My Way Out (Ni Naiz Naizena)
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits
[EUS] Iritsi da eguna! hainbeste urte ondoren, plazer haundiz aurkezten dizuegu gure webseriearen lehenengo atala, AITZOLE ARANETA zoragarriarekin. Aurtengo Zinegoak festibalean aurketuko dugu martxoaren 10an, baina zuek, gure mezenas maitean, atala ikusten lehenengoak izango zarete. Esteka hontan sartuz eta pasahitza honekin ikusi ahal izango duzue martxoak 8 gaueko 12ak arte izango duzue ikusteko. Ondoren, GEHITU Elkarteak webserierako sortu duen plataforma batean ikusgai izango dira atal guztiak.
Pasahitza: NNN1Aitz0l3!
[CAST] Ha llegado el día! Después de tantos años, nos alegra presentar la primera parte de nuestra webserie con la maravillosa AITZOLE ARANETA. Lo presentaremos en el festival Zinegoak el martes 10 de marzo, pero vosotros, nuestros queridos mecenas, seréis los primeros en ver el capítulo. Accediendo a este enlace con esta contraseña podrás verlo hasta el 8 de marzo a las 12 de la noche. Fespués, los 10 capítulos se podrán ver en la plataforma que la asociación GEHITU ha creado para la webserie.
Contraseña: NNN1Aitz0l3!
[ENG] The day has arrived! After so many years, we are happy to present the first part of our webseries with the wonderful AITZOLE ARANETA. We will premiere it at the Zinegoak festival on Tuesday, March 10, but you, our dear crowdfunders, will be the first to see the 1st episode. By accessing this link using this password you will be able to view it until March 8th at 12 midnight. Later, all 10 episodes will be available to watch on the platform that GEHITU association has created for the webseries.
Password: NNN1Aitz0l3!
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Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 13 Co-financiers
T Girl
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 16 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt
> 06 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)
> 20 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR
> 08 Co-financiers
Way Out
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits
> 06 Co-financiers
Communication management for the campaign and the documentary internationally.
Wardrobe hire/loan/design for Yogurinha Borova.