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Película Documental: Ciudad de la Selva

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Finished 11 / 03 / 2021
$ 33,980
$ 28,489
$ 137,079
456 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Collaborator of a runaway (shipments to Spain)

    It’s winter. Snows. A runaway hits the door of your house trying to flee. You let him pass and he rewards you with an

    > 39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Collaborator of a runaway (shipments to Europe)

    It’s winter. Snows. A runaway hits the door of your house trying to flee. You let him pass and he rewards you with an

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Link for the guerrilla (shipments to Spain)

    After a long walk through Teixadal de Casaio, you decide to eat. Suddenly, after a thousand-year-old yew tree, you recognize a young guerrilla and share your lunch with her. Your generosity deserves a reward: you will receive a SCREENED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 88 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Link for the guerrilla (shipments to Europe)

    After a long walk through Teixadal de Casaio, you decide to eat. Suddenly, after a thousand-year-old yew tree, you recognize a young guerrilla and share your lunch with her. Your generosity deserves a reward: you will receive a SCREENED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Informant (shipments to Spain)

    A prisoner at the Valborraz tungsten mine prison, occupied by the Nazis, sends you a celluloid tape in which a German engineer describes the mine facilities. Undoubtedly, this information can be valuable in planning an
    escape, and he decides to hand it over to the guerrillas. You've played it: you deserve a copy of the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 78 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49

    Informant (shipments to Europe)

    A prisoner at the Valborraz tungsten mine prison, occupied by the Nazis, sends you a celluloid tape in which a German engineer describes the mine facilities. Undoubtedly, this information can be valuable in planning an
    escape, and he decides to hand it over to the guerrillas. You've played it: you deserve a copy of the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Arsenal Guard (shipments to Spain)

    You carry with a cache of weapons. Given the suspicions of the Civil Guard, you decide to hide the pistols and ammunition under a layer of moss between the two largest stones in Campo Cigarra. "Those from the forest"
    recognize your work and reward you with the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, a SCREEN-PRINTED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH , a METALLIC BADGE and some PHOTOGRAPHS.

    > 102 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Arsenal Guard (shipments to Europe)

    You carry with a cache of weapons. Given the suspicions of the Civil Guard, you decide to hide the pistols and ammunition under a layer of moss between the two largest stones in Campo Cigarra. "Those from the forest"
    recognize your work and reward you with the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, a SCREEN-PRINTED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH , a METALLIC BADGE and some PHOTOGRAPHS.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Tungsten smuggler (shipments to Spain)

    Your good relationship with the inmates of the Valborraz mine prison allows you to obtain large amounts of tungsten with which you get access to valuable material for the guerrilla. With all that you have risked, how could we not invite you to the PREMIERE of the documentary in spring 2022 in Casaio (Ourense). As a great reward, you receive a TICKET of the event and a MOVIE in a personalized USB card format.

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 87

    Tungsten smuggler (shipments to Europe)

    Your good relationship with the inmates of the Valborraz mine prison allows you to obtain large amounts of tungsten with which you get access to valuable material for the guerrilla. With all that you have risked, how could we not invite you to the PREMIERE of the documentary in spring 2022 in Casaio (Ourense). As a great reward, you receive a TICKET of the event and a MOVIE in a personalized USB card format.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Rookie in the guerrilla (shipments to Spain)

    After months of close collaboration with the guerrilla, you receive an invitation to be part of it. This important step makes you part of the history of the Ciudad de la Selva. Said RECOGNITION is reflected with a formal thanks in the CREDITS of the film (if you consider it so) and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS along with a copy of the MOVIE in format custom USB card.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 131

    Rookie in the guerrilla (shipments to Europe)

    After months of close collaboration with the guerrilla, you receive an invitation to be part of it. This important step makes you part of the history of the Ciudad de la Selva. Said RECOGNITION is reflected with a formal thanks in the CREDITS of the film (if you consider it so) and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS along with a copy of the MOVIE in format custom USB card.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Experienced fighter (shipments to Spain)

    You're surrounded. A gang of Civil Guard patrol from the south and a group of Falangists arriving from the west. You have no escape, but your knowledge of the terrain allows you to get out of the trap. Such an achievement is rewarded with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project, a specific RECOGNITION making the name and/or logo of your entity or person (if they consider it so) appear in the CREDITS of the film and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 239

    Experienced fighter (shipments to Europe)

    You're surrounded. A gang of Civil Guard patrol from the south and a group of Falangists arriving from the west. You have no escape, but your knowledge of the terrain allows you to get out of the trap. Such an achievement is rewarded with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project, a specific RECOGNITION making the name and/or logo of your entity or person (if they consider it so) appear in the CREDITS of the film and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,633

    Member of the Major Staff of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Spain)

    With your name and prestige, you have brought many people with you to the Ciudad de la Selva. What was a humble informative project, achieves with you a dimension that will make our history go very far. For the people and entities that collaborate with this important reward, a specific RECOGNITION of said help will be made, making the name and/or logo of their entity or person (if they consider it so) appear on the POSTER of the film, in the CREDITS of the same and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists
    and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,655

    Member of the Major Staff of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Europe)

    With your name and prestige, you have brought many people with you to the Ciudad de la Selva. What was a humble informative project, achieves with you a dimension that will make our history go very far. For the people and entities that collaborate with this important reward, a specific RECOGNITION of said help will be made, making the name and/or logo of their entity or person (if they consider it so) appear on the POSTER of the film, in the CREDITS of the same and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists
    and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,266

    Ambassador of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Spain)

    Inside and outside the mountains of Casaio, different personalities and organizations have made a great
    effort to make this film succeed. We want to thank your contribution, the people and/or organizations that participate with this reward, will obtain a RECOGNITION specific to said help at the START OF THE FILM together with the entities that have created the project and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,288

    Ambassador of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Europe)

    Inside and outside the mountains of Casaio, different personalities and organizations have made a great
    effort to make this film succeed. We want to thank your contribution, the people and/or organizations that participate with this reward, will obtain a RECOGNITION specific to said help at the START OF THE FILM together with the entities that have created the project and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Runaways & Guerrilla in the forests of Casaio

Needs Materyal Minimum Optimum
Travel expenses
Each day of recording means for the team about 600km of travel, meals and accommodation that we intend to face with this game.
$ 692
Recording equipment rental and amortization
This cost is linked to the lighting and recording material that we need to record the documentary.
$ 3,026
Purchase of digital equipment
We will need to buy computer equipment that allows us to edit the film quality cinema.
$ 3,701
Needs Imprastraktura Minimum Optimum
Administration fees
We need different legal and professional advice services to carry out hiring, legal agreements, public records, etc. With which to carry out the production process in a legal and guaranteed way.
$ 2,885
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Executive production
Investment in professional salaries. In this case, linked to the general supervision tasks of the project so that it maintains its total relationship with the scientific findings and historiographic evidence.
$ 2,177
Original script
Investment in the salary of the professional who develops the idea of the film, first rides, general scripts, editing scripts, etc.
$ 2,449
Investment in the salary of the professional who is in charge of the operation and management of the camera.
$ 1,594
Camera assistant
Investment in salary of the professional who helps the camera operator with the spotlight, lighting, etc.
$ 1,306
Investment in the salary of the professional who sounds the environments and interviews.
$ 1,295
Subtitling and translation into 3 languages
Investment in the salary of the professional who translates and adjusts the voiceovers of the film, as well as the texts and credits.
$ 3,484
Movie Editing
Investment in salary of the professional who edits the documentary.
$ 2,722
Image post-production
Investment in the salary of the professional who performs the tasks of digital color grading and correction of lighting and color.
$ 806
Initial audio post-production, mixing, mastering & Original Soundtrack
Investment in salary of the professionals who treat and create the sounds, as well as paste a fluid final audio mix for the documentary. In this case, we require this amount so that the professionals involved begin to carry out this work.
$ 4,354
First promotional teaser-trailer
Elaboration of a teaser to expose to the general public a minimum of what we want to produce in the documentary.
$ 1,045
Insurance expenses to cover the professionals who will work on the documentary recordings.
$ 653
Project Bible
It is a document of the cinema where all the information of the project is broken down. This document serves to define general production.
$ 801
Project dossier
It is a document with which we present ourselves to different organizations to obtain financing, present the documentary to festivals, or define partners in the field of distribution.
$ 1,474
Managing crowdfunding rewards
If the CF project goes well, we will have to spend time and resources designing the rewards and shipping them.
$ 3,048
Investment in the salary of the professional who organizes everything related to documentaries on a daily basis.
$ 2,125
Investment in the salary of the professional who leads the recording and animation design processes.
$ 2,073
Production Assistant
Investment in the salary of the professional who helps the producer to organize the recording work, financing, permits, etc.
$ 2,073
Final audio post-production, mixing, mastering & Original Soundtrack
Investment in salary of the professionals who treat and create the sounds, as well as paste a fluid final audio mix for the documentary. In this case, this amount would serve to complete the financing of this work.
$ 5,835
Minimum animation works
One of our most ambitious goals is to be able to narrate through animated recreations some of the events that took place in the years that the City of the Jungle lasted. This item is intended for the NERD company, with which we have partnered for this project, to start the creative processes linked to this work.
$ 21,772
Complementary animation works
To fully fund the creation of the animated footage, we will need this second installment to pay for the full work of the NERD company.
$ 27,215
Official trailer
When the entire project is recorded, we will select the most suitable footage to show the public clearly and clearly the basic plot and history behind the City of the Jungle. These types of pieces are essential for the dissemination of the project.
$ 544
Reserve fund
Given the possibility that the expenses of the documentary will increase, we have created this item that will help us to alleviate those possible unforeseen events.
$ 3,687
Expenses associated with crowdfunding rewards
The manufacture of the rewards, the sending of the same, the bank expenses or those associated with the CF itself are the expenses that this item would cover if we reach our goal. However, we are aware that this game will be necessary in proportion to the rewards we obtain.
$ 34,242
Total $ 28,489 $ 137,079

General information

Ciudad de la Selva is the cinematographic chronicle of the last battle front of the Spanish Civil War in the mid-40s. The story of this group of refugees (fuxidos), who try to survive in the hope that, At the end of World War II, the allied armies also intervened in Spanish territory.

After the military uprising of 1936, many civilians were forced to move looking for a safe place while waiting for the end of the war. “Ciudad de la Selva” arises as a settlement of displaced people in the Casaio mountains (Ourense) that brings together, mainly, Galicians and Asturians opposed to the new Franco regime. Today, thanks to a large number of archaeological finds and the testimony of experts and people who were directly related to this group of dissidents, we can reconstruct the history of these people and know what happened in the mountains of Casaio from when the town was formed until the bloody end of the guerrilla at the hands of the Civil Guard in 1946.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

This is an audiovisual project, developed in a cooperative way, with which we seek to create a documentary that tells the last story of the Spanish Civil War. Various historians and journalists have documented the events that occurred in the “Ciudad de la Selva” without knowing that it was a conflict of this magnitude and historiographic importance.

It has been in recent years, with the archaeological, historiographical and anthropological work of Sputnik Labrego that we have discovered that the City of the Jungle was a key point for the anti-Franco resistance in the northwest of the peninsula. In the mountains of Casaio, they believe that there were more than 50 rudimentary buildings in which up to 200 male and female guerrillas could live. From there they managed a wide smuggling network with which they supported their fight against Franco's forces.

We want to create a piece that relies on Casaio's scientific testimony, historical evidence, and landscapes as an objective basis with which to expose the events that occurred there. To accompany these events, we want to have interviews with people who experienced those events directly or indirectly, and merge them with an animated footage to recreate scenarios and situations resulting from the scientific conclusions of Sputnik Labrego and thus give the public different views on the same events.

Our main objective is to carry out the documentary, but this in turn brings with it a scientific projection and new opportunities for Casaio. If this project goes ahead, it may mean more funding for research in the area, and a possible job opportunity linked to culture, heritage and tourism.


Why this is important

The main motivation of this project is to tell a story that, although complex and full of nuances, is part of a memory that is in danger of being lost forever. Within what has been called "democratic memory", the memory of the anti-Franco guerrillas and the maquis has been relegated to second place, which represents a significant neglect of one of the main anti-Franco forces and of those people who fought for the restoration of a democratic order. Likewise, it is a vindication of local memory, in this case that of the village of Casaio, but which is the memory of many other towns and villages that had to face very difficult times, amidst cross fires.

This project is aimed at all those who want to delve into the contemporary history of Spain and Galicia from a critical point of view but based on scientific knowledge.

Team and experience

This project is promoted by a scientific association, Sputnik Labrego, and an audiovisual cooperative Metropolis.coop. Other organizations such as NERD Productions or Catbeat have progressively joined it.

Sputnik Labrego was born from the confluence of several people linked to the academic world whose interests are focused on the study of contemporary rural societies. From this interest the project linked to the City of the Jungle was born in 2017, whose objective was to deepen the scientific knowledge about the anti-Franco guerrilla from the point of view of its material remains. Since then, the team has been expanding, incorporating experts in Contemporary History, Archeology or Gender Studies into its ranks and collaborating with entities of recognized international prestige such as the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the University of Santiago de Compostela or the University of the Basque Country.

Metropolis.coop is a group of professionals in the audiovisual sector, advertising and computer programming founded in 2018, with the determination to create projects that contribute to the development of the social economy, carry out cultural initiatives and all this under character structures collaborative. Our work is currently focused on providing audiovisual production, recording and editing services to other companies in the sector in Galicia, to advertising agencies, production companies and media groups.

Isabel Fdez Reviriego and Jose Vázquez are Catbeat, a multimedia music producer located in Vigo that works all over the world. This studio has created soundtracks, designed custom sounds and custom music for video games, films, advertising and experimental projects. Isabel Fdez Reviriego is a Spanish musician, producer and composer currently in charge of Aries, a one-man project. Among all her projects, she has published around a dozen albums, including eight albums in Spain, the United States and Japan. José Vázquez is a musician and producer. For 20 years he has worked as a sound technician on the tours of mainstream Spanish artists such as Manolo García or Marea. He is in charge of Pastora's recording studios.

NERD Productions is a creative production studio representing a wide range ofcarefully selected directors and illustrators, crafting styles of live action, animation, mixed media and illustration for TVC, online content, OOH / DOOH, and more. We are active advocates for diversity and inclusion, constantly seeking, nurturing and empowering young talents, female talents, and talents from underrepresented backgrounds. Our goal is to help change and reshape our industry to be more diverse and inclusive, today, tomorrow and for future generations.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.