Contributing $ 11
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> 120 Co-financiers
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Quién Manda
You will be acknowledged on the website
Customized digital picture of Quien Manda + recognition on the web
Customized printed picture of Quien Manda + digital picture + recognition on the web
Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
Civio e-magazine: analysis on issues of transparency, open data, open government and related research areas (June 2014 ) + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
We are at your disposal to make a presentation (in person or by video conference) about our project development process + Civio e-magazine + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
Special acknowledgment (with your name or logo) + personal presentation about our project development process + Civio e-magazine + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
You will be acknowledged on the website
> 120 Co-financiers
Customized digital picture of Quien Manda + recognition on the web
> 33 Co-financiers
Customized printed picture of Quien Manda + digital picture + recognition on the web
> 17 Co-financiers
Quién Manda LOGO T-SHIRT
Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
> 17 Co-financiers
Civio e-magazine: analysis on issues of transparency, open data, open government and related research areas (June 2014 ) + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
> 13 Co-financiers
Quién Manda. How did we do it?
We are at your disposal to make a presentation (in person or by video conference) about our project development process + Civio e-magazine + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
> 02 Co-financiers
Special acknowledgment (with your name or logo) + personal presentation about our project development process + Civio e-magazine + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web
> 03 Co-financiers
Help us to spread the project, share by email and social networks!
Do you have pictures os polititians and businessman? Share them with us, they could be useful to prove relations between them
We accept research suggestions. Much better if they can be supported with documents.