¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

¡Nuestro refu tiene goteras! ¿Nos ayudas a arreglarlas?

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Finished 21 / 08 / 2021
$ 81,738
$ 43,664
$ 152,823
41 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    A Drop

    You'll receive our sincere gratitude for your colaboration and publish your name on our website and social media, if you wish.

    Remember that up to 80% of your donation can be declared in your taxes (in Spain). More info here: goteo.cc/calculadora

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092


    You'll receive our sincere gratitude for your colaboration and publish your name on our website and social media, if you wish.

    A digital calendar with beautiful photos from our school.

    Remember that up to 80% of your donation can be declared in your taxes (in Spain). More info here: goteo.cc/calculadora

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183


    You'll receive our sincere gratitude for your colaboration and publish your name on our website and social media, if you wish.

    A digital calendar with beautiful photos from our school.

    Access to the music of Flora & Fauna, the band formed by the "acompañantes" of the forrest school.

    Remember that up to 80% of your donation can be declared in your taxes (in Spain). More info here: goteo.cc/calculadora

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    Rain Shower

    You'll receive our sincere gratitude for your colaboration and publish your name on our website and social media, if you wish.

    A digital calendar with beautiful photos from our school.

    Access to the music of Flora & Fauna, the band formed by the "acompañantes" of the forrest school.

    A guided visit of Ulle and the surrounding accompanied by the families that make up this community.

    Remember that up to 80% of your donation can be declared in your taxes (in Spain). More info here: goteo.cc/calculadora

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550


    You'll receive our sincere gratitude for your colaboration and publish your name on our website and social media, if you wish.

    A digital calendar with beautiful photos from our school.

    Access to the music of Flora & Fauna, the band formed by the "acompañantes" of the forrest school.

    A guided visit of Ulle and the surrounding accompanied by the families that make up this community.

    You can select a group session choosing between: yoga or a "forrest bath" in Jaca or its surroundings.

    Remember that up to 80% of your donation can be declared in your taxes (in Spain). More info here: goteo.cc/calculadora

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    (A Good) Hurricane

    You'll receive our sincere gratitude for your colaboration and publish your name on our website and social media, if you wish.

    A guided visit of Ulle and the surrounding when you wish.

    A digital calendar with beautiful photos from our school.

    Access to the music of Flora & Fauna, the band formed by the "acompañantes" of the forrest school.

    A guided visit of Ulle and the surrounding accompanied by the families that make up this community.

    You can select an individual session choosing between: massage, essence therapy, or dog training in Jaca or its surroundings.

    Remember that up to 80% of your donation can be declared in your taxes (in Spain). More info here: goteo.cc/calculadora

    > 00 Co-financiers

41 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

Ana Cristina Maio Madeira

$ 1,092


Hace 3 years
Materiales o ayuda en la construcción: Si lo prefieres, puedes donarnos tejas, material aislante, madera para las vigas, etc. O si tienes experiencia en la construcción, ayudarnos en los trabajos. Ponte en contacto con nosotros y te indicaremos cómo. ¡Muchas gracias!