Contributing $ 66
La Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol agradece tu apoy
Te invitamos a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustes recortes de este golpe de estado financiero
> 04 Co-financiers
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Si nos multan a una, nos multan a todas
Te invitamos a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustes recortes de este golpe de estado financiero
Estás doblemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal + También puedes venir a cobrarte tus besos y tus abrazos
Estás triplemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal + Además, te enviamos una foto de agradecimiento firmada por toda la Asamblea
Te enviamos un abanico de lunares conmemorativo de la visita de la Merkel, con la firma de nuestra Asamblea + Estás triplemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal
La camiseta lleva nuestro logo y el lema "Si nos recortan a una, nos recortan a todas". Si no puedes pasar a recogerla y a que te demos las gracias en persona, te la enviamos a tu casa + Estás triplemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal
Box of resistance to confront the administrative oppression which the identified members of the assembly Transmaricabollo de Sol have been subjected to by the citizens’ (in)security forces.
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Minimum | Optimum |
Muta de Gracia
Pago de la primera multa.
$ 7,717 | |
Multa de David
Pago de la segunda multa.
$ 7,717 | |
Multa de Mónica
A por la tercera... multa.
$ 7,717 | |
Multa de Olga
Vamos que nos las quitan de las manos!
$ 7,717 | |
Multa de Merce
Ole, ole y ole!!!
$ 7,717 | |
Gastos Administrativos
Aportación a
$ 3,528 |
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Minimum | Optimum |
Gastos de material
Gastos para la agitación y propaganda de la Asamblea: Pancartas, pintura, sprays, abanicos, megafonía, artes gráficas varias, etc.
$ 6,615 | |
Total | $ 38,586 | $ 48,728 |
Since 15M, we have been out on the streets. Like almost everyone, we have been held back, identified and separated. They have pushed us, they have hit us, and on more than one occasion we have been forced to run.
But they had not fined us. Not even for kissing in front of the Pope. That day they identified us, yes. They held us back. They “accompanied” us to Chueca as if we were escapee animals from a zoo, but they did not fine us…until Merkel came down to see us.
Naturally, we wanted to greet her properly. We dressed in our finest vests, and our Cordovan hats. We rehearsed our favourite songs and dances, and off we went with our glorious welcome banner.
Unfortunately, the cops didn’t find our welcome deployment so amusing. So they asked us for our documents.
“But we’re only out for a walk!” We alleged.
“With a banner?” They inquired.
“Yeah, for a stroll in our fine city!”
“Well you won’t escape this.” And they proceeded.
Inconveniently identified we continued along, brandishing our vests like weapons and singing our folk songs. We neither saw nor were seen by the ever conceited Merkel. We went home, deflated and discouraged by her attitude, and to add insult to injury, what should arrive months later but 5 fines, like 5 delayed thank you cards.
So. Here we are. Unpaid, underpaid but paying. Fined for taking a walking and singing songs. For singing out of tune. Of course, we haven’t retreated, nor have we stayed at home. We will continue to caterwaul, we do love to set the pitch, and out of all the notes our favourites remain the discordant. So. Your help would be much appreciated. Because 5 fines at 350 euro each is a total of 1750 euro that the Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol owes. And we want to pay it off between all of us, the fined and unfined, the assembled and those without assembly. If they silence one, they silence all. If you want to support us, to lend us a hand, know that we are still fearless, but also cashless. In exchange we will throw a tremendous fundraiser to collect every last euro that has been demanded of us by the mindless and fascist oppressors of today and of always. To silence us.
You are, as such, warmly and hereby invited to pass by our assemblies and to participate in our various actions against the unjust and brutal cuts by this financial coup d’etat.
To confront the administrative oppression which the identified members of the assembly have been subjected to by the citizens’ (in)security forces. Currently we are going over the details of the previously mention fines, so that in the case we don’t have to pay them, the money we raise in the campaign can be redirected to other resistance funds directed by our comrades of 15M (such as the resistance fund promoted and directed by the Asamblea de Arganzuela). We will continually update our blog with any new information pertaining to this process.
To whom it may interest
To confront the administrative oppression which the identified members of the assembly have been subjected to by the citizens’ (in)security forces. Currently we are going over the details of the previously mention fines, so that in the case we don’t have to pay them, the money we raise in the campaign can be redirected to other resistance funds directed by our comrades of 15M (such as the resistance fund promoted and directed by the Asamblea de Arganzuela). We will continually update our blog with any new information pertaining to this process.
Visit our blogs to know our claims, vindications and actions from May 15, 2011 until today:
La Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol agradece tu apoy
Te invitamos a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustes recortes de este golpe de estado financiero
> 04 Co-financiers
La Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol agradece doblemente tu apoyo y tu compromiso
Estás doblemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal + También puedes venir a cobrarte tus besos y tus abrazos
> 17 Co-financiers
La Asamblea Transmaricabollo te agradece triplemente tu apoyo y te manda una foto de recuerdo
Estás triplemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal + Además, te enviamos una foto de agradecimiento firmada por toda la Asamblea
> 19 Co-financiers
La Asamblea Transmaricabollo no sabe cómo agradecértelo y te manda un abanico de lunares
Te enviamos un abanico de lunares conmemorativo de la visita de la Merkel, con la firma de nuestra Asamblea + Estás triplemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal
> 11 Co-financiers
La Asamblea Transmaricabollo se queda sin palabras y te envía una camiseta
La camiseta lleva nuestro logo y el lema "Si nos recortan a una, nos recortan a todas". Si no puedes pasar a recogerla y a que te demos las gracias en persona, te la enviamos a tu casa + Estás triplemente invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado neoliberal
> 02 Co-financiers
Estás invitadx a pasarte por nuestras asambleas y a participar en nuestras acciones contra los injustos recortes de este golpe de estado financiero.