Contributing $ 218
Your name will appear on our blog as “Co-financier”
> 08 Co-financiers
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Your name will appear on our blog as “Co-financier”
You will also receive a series of drawings and sound clips to download, drawn and recorded during our crowd-funding campaing in India (November -December 2012) + blog recognition
You will receive a DVD of Ámár, an award-wining animated short by Isabel Herguera, 2010 + digital drawing + sound clip recorded in India + blog recognition
Recibirás en casa la camiseta 'Selfportrait' de Isabel Herguera + Serie de dibujos y clip de sonido en archivo digital + Agradecimiento en el blog Sultana's Dream
You will receive an original A4 drawing by Isabel Herguera + “Ámár” animated short DVD (Isabel Herguera, 2010) + digital drawing + sound clip recorded in India + blog recognition.
You will receive at Isabel Herguera´s original A3 drawing + “Ámár” animated short DVD (Isabel Herguera, 2010) + digital drawing + sound clip recorded in India + blog recognition
A 20-hour animation workshop taught by Isabel Herguera for a maximum of 15 participants were she will implement the same methodology (exquisite corpse) used during the workshops in India. Art material, travel, and accommodations-related expenses are not included.
I wanted to find a way to bring together the things I most enjoy, drawing in India, working with groups, and using drawing to document a real situation in which the art forms part of the narrative.
It was difficult to find a story that could be interpreted beyond the particularities of each culture and condition, one in which all of the participants could feel represented in some way and committed to the project.
Last year, I passed by an art gallery in New Delhi where, among some catalogs I discovered a book with a red cover. In the cover illustration, I recognized the figure of a woman piloting a spaceship. The title of the book was Sultana’s Dream. When I read the two-line summary, I knew this was the story I’d been looking for. The drawing workshops would serve to illustrate and reinterpret the story. But the question remained: How would we reflect a reality where ancestral practices and contemporary customs and uses coexist?
I owe the process that perfectly reflects this prochronism to the art curator, Cuauhtémoc Medina, and to the concept he proposed for the exhibit at PAC- Proyecto de Arte Contemporáneo in Murcia with the title Dominó Caníbal. A game based on the dadaist tradition/ game “exquisite corpse,” that allowed us to mix and incorporate art/drawings from one artist and another, mixing one time with another, to ultimately show the complex historical and social fabric of today’s Indian womanhood.
Maite and Unai have accompanied me on this campaign that we are doing from Ahmadabad, capital of the state of Guajart —a city that, despite three million residents, maintains the character of a provincial capital where people have time to chat with neighbors and leave their homes in the late afternoon to watch the sunset.
Starting here and continuing for the days, we will recount how we clear the path and shoo away the elephants.
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Your name will appear on our blog as “Co-financier”
> 08 Co-financiers
Series of drawings and sound clips to download
You will also receive a series of drawings and sound clips to download, drawn and recorded during our crowd-funding campaing in India (November -December 2012) + blog recognition
> 04 Co-financiers
You will receive a DVD of Ámár, an award-wining animated short by Isabel Herguera, 2010 + digital drawing + sound clip recorded in India + blog recognition
> 06 Co-financiers
Camiseta 'Selfportrait'
Recibirás en casa la camiseta 'Selfportrait' de Isabel Herguera + Serie de dibujos y clip de sonido en archivo digital + Agradecimiento en el blog Sultana's Dream
> 01 Co-financiers
You will receive an original A4 drawing by Isabel Herguera + “Ámár” animated short DVD (Isabel Herguera, 2010) + digital drawing + sound clip recorded in India + blog recognition.
> 11 Co-financiers
You will receive at Isabel Herguera´s original A3 drawing + “Ámár” animated short DVD (Isabel Herguera, 2010) + digital drawing + sound clip recorded in India + blog recognition
> 10 Co-financiers
Animation Workshops taught by Isabel Herguera
A 20-hour animation workshop taught by Isabel Herguera for a maximum of 15 participants were she will implement the same methodology (exquisite corpse) used during the workshops in India. Art material, travel, and accommodations-related expenses are not included.
> 03 Co-financiers
Individuals or groups who want to promote our project through their blogs or social networks. People who have contacts or work in organizations and/
Help in translating contents into other languages, mainly Basque and English.