Contributing € 5
Thank You (website and book)
Recognition in the website and book (digital and print). We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 13 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Think Global, Print Local: Pensar desde los comunes
Recognition in the website and book (digital and print). We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Argentina, Mexico and Peru). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and printed copy. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
Agradecimiento en la web y en el libro, versión papel y digital. Recepción en primera mano de la versión digital.
1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and printed copy. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 print edition of the book + 1 book from the Tinta Limón collection (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Argentina). Acknowledgement in the website and book (digital and print edition). We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 print edition of the book + 1 book from Traficantes de Sueños: "El Manifiesto de la Carta Magna - Comunes y libertades para el pueblo", by Peter Linebaugh (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 print edition of the book + 1 Traficantes de Sueños 'Omnia Sunt Communia' totebag (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print editon. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 print edition of the book + 1 Sursiendo totebag (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Mexico). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 print edition of the book signed by David Bollier (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
1 place in an online 'Masterclass on the Commons' (20 min. + 40 min. Q&A) hosted by David Bollier. This Masterclass will be in English. 1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
10 print edition copies (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Spotlight thanks in the website, digital and print edition book.
For entities or collectives. Sponsor and host 1 local event in one of the distribution network countries, organized by the local publishers (all logistical costs to be assumed by donor). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier. Sponsorship spotlight in the conference and in the website, digital and print edition book.
For entities or collectives. Guerrilla Translation will translate and publish on their website a text/article, up to 2000 words. Translation can be Spanish to English or English to Spanish. Content should align with the GT themes (see Founding Principles). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier + 4 print editions (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Spotlight on the website and in the paper and digital book.
For entities or collectives. David Bollier will attend a live conference/event on the book and host a talk on the commons (all logistical costs to be assumed by donor). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier + 4 print editions (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Sponsor spotlight (name, logo) on the website and in the paper and digital book.
Estamos contentos de compartir uno de los frutos de la campaña Think Global Print Local. Además de las conexiones antes improbables, la traducciónvde Think like a commoner y las relaciones que hemos tejido a través de este proyecto:
Tanto si has sido cofinanciador/a del proyecto como si quieres contárselo a tus amigos, estaremos encantados de compartir la tarde del sábado.
Toda la información de la convocatoria, aquí.
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Pensar desde los comunes constituye una introducción verdaderamente descriptiva e informativa de la complejidad y variedad del procomún, en un registro completamente accesible. David Bollier, su autor, es un escritor y consultor político, activista internacional, blogger e investigador independiente. Ha escrito otros seis libros sobre temas relacionados con el procomún, incluidos Green Governance [Gobernanza verde], The Wealth of the Commons [La riqueza de los comunes] y Viral Spiral [Espiral viral].
Pensar desde los comunes está dirigido a toda la comunidad hispanohablante: tanto a los sectores familiarizados con la teoría o la práctica del procomún como a aquellos que desconocen el concepto. Resultará de gran interés para cualquier persona afín a los comunes y el P2P (peer-to-peer o entre pares), a los sistemas de producción distribuidos y de código abierto, a las licencias libres, etc.
Para conseguir traducir, liberar online y publicar en formato físico Pensar desde los comunes, llevamos a cabo una campaña de financiamiento colectivo basada en la plataforma llamada “Piensa gobal, imprime local”.
El objetivo fue generar una red de editoriales orientadas al procomún que pudiera trabajar en conjunto ("piensa global") y consolidar redes en sus propios territorios para imprimir y distribuir el libro ("imprime local"), reduciendo así la huella ecológica y ampliando el alcance del conocimiento sobre el tema. Es decir, hablar del procomún generando procomún. Creemos profundamente en la gestión de los comunes como modelo de transición social y de empoderamiento comunitario. Sabemos que es una herramienta poderosísima y a la vez algo desconocida o poco explorada por la gente común, por eso creemos que el practicarla con esta edición potenciará su difusión.
Es más, el libro se ha publicado bajo la licencia "copyfarleft", también llamada Licencia de producción de pares o licencia P2P, que es, en esencia, un giro más radical del propio copyleft. Las licencias no-comerciales no pueden describirse realmente como "libres" ya que el autor o autora original retiene el privilegio sobre quién puede o no explotar la obra y, además, limitan cualquier tipo de circulación económica que pudiera verse asociada con el procomún. Por otro lado, las licencias copyleft sí permiten la explotación comercial, pero no distinguen quién es el sujeto que rentabiliza esa obra.
La licencia de Producción de Pares es virtualmente idéntica a la licencia Creative Commons No Comercial pero, a diferencia de esta, aquella permite la posibilidad de rentabilizar las obras licenciadas solamente a cooperativas y colectivos sin ánimo de lucro. Por un lado facilita que ese valor circule dentro del común y, por otro, lo mantiene a salvo de intereses extractivos por parte de entidades capitalistas.
Cinco colectivos hemos colaborado en este proyecto: Guerrilla Translation, a cargo de la traducción y edición lingüística del libro, con La Libre/Cornucopia, Sursiendo, Tinta Limón y Traficantes de Sueños encargados de la edición y distribución en papel en Perú, México, Argentina y el Estado español,respectivamente.
No obstante, esta campaña de crowdfunding con el libro de David Bollier como hilo conductor no es más que un principio. Esperamos que gracias a este proyecto no solo se consolide esta red tan única, sino que vaya evolucionando de forma orgánica e incorporando otros nodos y redes editoriales que compartan textos globalmente, pero impriman localmente.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Thank You (website and book)
Recognition in the website and book (digital and print). We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 13 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" (Latin America special)
1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Argentina, Mexico and Peru). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and printed copy. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
Agradecimiento en la web y en el libro, versión papel y digital. Recepción en primera mano de la versión digital.
> 35 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" (Europe special)
1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and printed copy. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 109 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + Tinta Limón book (Argentina special)
1 print edition of the book + 1 book from the Tinta Limón collection (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Argentina). Acknowledgement in the website and book (digital and print edition). We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 10 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + TdS book "El Manifiesto de la Carta Magna" (Spain special)
1 print edition of the book + 1 book from Traficantes de Sueños: "El Manifiesto de la Carta Magna - Comunes y libertades para el pueblo", by Peter Linebaugh (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 54 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + TdS totebag "Omnia Sunt Communia" (Spain special)
1 print edition of the book + 1 Traficantes de Sueños 'Omnia Sunt Communia' totebag (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print editon. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 20 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + Sursiendo totebag (Mexico special)
1 print edition of the book + 1 Sursiendo totebag (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Mexico). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 07 Co-financiers
Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" signed by David Bollier
1 print edition of the book signed by David Bollier (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 08 Co-financiers
Online 'Masterclass on the Commons" with David Bollier
1 place in an online 'Masterclass on the Commons' (20 min. + 40 min. Q&A) hosted by David Bollier. This Masterclass will be in English. 1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.
> 03 Co-financiers
Bookshop/Library pack
10 print edition copies (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Spotlight thanks in the website, digital and print edition book.
> 07 Co-financiers
Sponsor a local event on "Pensar desde los comunes"
For entities or collectives. Sponsor and host 1 local event in one of the distribution network countries, organized by the local publishers (all logistical costs to be assumed by donor). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier. Sponsorship spotlight in the conference and in the website, digital and print edition book.
> 00 Co-financiers
Guerrilla Translation
For entities or collectives. Guerrilla Translation will translate and publish on their website a text/article, up to 2000 words. Translation can be Spanish to English or English to Spanish. Content should align with the GT themes (see Founding Principles). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier + 4 print editions (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Spotlight on the website and in the paper and digital book.
> 00 Co-financiers
Campaign Sponsor
For entities or collectives. David Bollier will attend a live conference/event on the book and host a talk on the commons (all logistical costs to be assumed by donor). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier + 4 print editions (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Sponsor spotlight (name, logo) on the website and in the paper and digital book.
> 00 Co-financiers
Share the project through social media, blogs, commons and P2P-oriented publications to help reach the maximum number of people. Be an active support
Support the promotion and financing of the project by offering a space and co-organizing events to present and/or gather funds for the campaign. This
Ideas, suggestions and/or legal advice to help build a more resilient international network.