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Think Global, Print Local: Pensar desde los comunes

Finished 19 / 05 / 2016
€ 9.076
€ 8.042
€ 10.602
285 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Thank You (website and book)

    Recognition in the website and book (digital and print). We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" (Latin America special)

    1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Argentina, Mexico and Peru). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and printed copy. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    Agradecimiento en la web y en el libro, versión papel y digital. Recepción en primera mano de la versión digital.

    > 35 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" (Europe special)

    1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and printed copy. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 109 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + Tinta Limón book (Argentina special)

    1 print edition of the book + 1 book from the Tinta Limón collection (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Argentina). Acknowledgement in the website and book (digital and print edition). We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + TdS book "El Manifiesto de la Carta Magna" (Spain special)

    1 print edition of the book + 1 book from Traficantes de Sueños: "El Manifiesto de la Carta Magna - Comunes y libertades para el pueblo", by Peter Linebaugh (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 54 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + TdS totebag "Omnia Sunt Communia" (Spain special)

    1 print edition of the book + 1 Traficantes de Sueños 'Omnia Sunt Communia' totebag (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print editon. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" + Sursiendo totebag (Mexico special)

    1 print edition of the book + 1 Sursiendo totebag (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside Mexico). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Print edition "Pensar desde los comunes" signed by David Bollier

    1 print edition of the book signed by David Bollier (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 90

    Online 'Masterclass on the Commons" with David Bollier

    1 place in an online 'Masterclass on the Commons' (20 min. + 40 min. Q&A) hosted by David Bollier. This Masterclass will be in English. 1 print edition of the book (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Spain). Acknowledgement in the website and book, digital and print edition. We’ll email you when it’s ready.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Bookshop/Library pack

    10 print edition copies (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Spotlight thanks in the website, digital and print edition book.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Sponsor a local event on "Pensar desde los comunes"

    For entities or collectives. Sponsor and host 1 local event in one of the distribution network countries, organized by the local publishers (all logistical costs to be assumed by donor). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier. Sponsorship spotlight in the conference and in the website, digital and print edition book.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400

    Guerrilla Translation

    For entities or collectives. Guerrilla Translation will translate and publish on their website a text/article, up to 2000 words. Translation can be Spanish to English or English to Spanish. Content should align with the GT themes (see Founding Principles). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier + 4 print editions (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Spotlight on the website and in the paper and digital book.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 2.000

    Campaign Sponsor

    For entities or collectives. David Bollier will attend a live conference/event on the book and host a talk on the commons (all logistical costs to be assumed by donor). 1 print edition signed by David Bollier + 4 print editions (donor will pay shipping costs for destinations outside distributor countries). Sponsor spotlight (name, logo) on the website and in the paper and digital book.

    > 00 Co-financiers

ES > La publicación de libros como bien común: un nuevo horizonte, por David Bollier

04 | 03 | 2016
ES > La publicación de libros como bien común: un nuevo horizonte, por David Bollier

“Al confiar en nuestra propia red de comuneros, su visibilidad en internet y las recomendaciones de boca en boca, hemos eludido la promoción y difusión tan caras y mediocres que llevan a cabo muchas editoriales. De esta forma eres libre para tomar tus propias decisiones en cuanto al contenido editorial, controlas tu propio marketing, obtienes más ingresos por ventas y puedes utilizar una licencia Creative Commons. No tienes por qué renunciar a todo ello por una editorial y su sistema de distribución comercial."

David Bollier, sobre la publicación de libros como bien común.http://bit.ly/1LwPQlj

LEER ARTÍCULO EN http://bit.ly/1LwPQlj

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