Contributing € 5
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo.
> 10 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Filtros de Agua Cerámicos para Ecuador
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo.
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover they will receive a photographic and written tale of the families receiving the filters in Nanegal.
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover, they will receive some Quichua ceramic creations made by the community and cooked in the black ceramic kiln.
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover they will participate in a workshop of ceramics taught by the protagonists of this iniciative in La Bisbal de l'Empordà (for 2 people).
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover they will receive a black ceramic filter (to be collected in Quito, Ecuador or Barcelona, Spain).
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo.
> 10 Co-financiers
Water Tales
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover they will receive a photographic and written tale of the families receiving the filters in Nanegal.
> 22 Co-financiers
Figures of Black Ceramic (Only for residents in Ecuador)
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover, they will receive some Quichua ceramic creations made by the community and cooked in the black ceramic kiln.
> 13 Co-financiers
Ceramic workshop (Bisbal de l'Empordà, Catalunya)
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover they will participate in a workshop of ceramics taught by the protagonists of this iniciative in La Bisbal de l'Empordà (for 2 people).
> 19 Co-financiers
Black Ceramic Filter
The patrons who provide their help will have their name in the list of acknowledgments of our manual and in a mural that we will draw in Pifo. Moreover they will receive a black ceramic filter (to be collected in Quito, Ecuador or Barcelona, Spain).
> 10 Co-financiers
We would like to have someone to illustrate the project and help us create the graphic materials for the project (logo, web, murals, diffusion triptyc