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La Marea: This Ours is True

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Finished 20 / 12 / 2022
€ 285.175
€ 250.000
€ 500.000
5599 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    The first step

    We know each other, we are interested in the same topics and we love joining the La Marea project!
    With your donation of 5 euros, you get our eternal gratitude and the mention of your name on the web.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 314 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Your transparency dossier

    With your collaboration, you not only get our thanks and your mention on the web as a patron; we will also send you the magazine La Marea 90 in digital format, with a special dossier on transparency and media independence.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 691 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    IBEX35 digital book

    Research is one of the central axes of La Marea. Thanks to the #yoIBEXtigo campaign in Goteo, we have put the magnifying glass on the large companies of the IBEX 35 from the Franco regime to the present.

    We analyze its revolving doors, its relationship with the media and its recent commitment to 'greenwashing'. Now you can read the conclusions in the IBEX 35 collaborative book. Three decades setting the political agenda in Spain and in your pocket.

    > 436 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    IBEX 35 paper book

    Research is one of the central axes of La Marea. In this collaborative book coordinated by our deputy director Dani Domínguez, we review the history of the big companies of the IBEX 35 from the Franco regime to the present, we put the magnifying glass on their revolving doors, we analyze their relationship with the media and we put uncovered their 'greenwashing' strategies.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Digital Semester

    Have you been reading us for a while but don't dare to subscribe? With this reward we give you a snack so you know what it's like to be part of our community. Enjoy - or give away- six months of digital subscription.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 777 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Magazine de Climática 2023

    Llévate el Magazine de Climática 2023, la revista anual climática con 100 páginas que miran al presente y futuro del clima. Fecha de publicación: finales de enero.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Halloween Special

    With your donation you get a pack of REAL fear because it reminds us of the power that IBEX35 companies have over our lives and pockets. With this reward you get the book IBEX 35. Three decades marking the political agenda in Spain and that of your pocket and also the #yoIBEXtigo t-shirt (giant size, perfect as a dress, pajamas or loose-fitting t-shirt).

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Books 'IBEX 35' and 'All that Fury'

    Get the new IBEX 35 research book. Three decades marking the political agenda in Spain and that of your pocket on paper, in addition to a copy of Isaac Rosa's book of stories 'Toda esa furia'.**

    > 430 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35

    Exposición PorTodas: prevenir la violencia machista

    Colabora en la producción de la exposición PorTodas, basada en el proyecto de investigación periodistica sobre feminicidios. Será itinerante e incluirá material pedagógico adaptado a diferentes públicos con el objetivo de concienciar para prevenir la violencia machista. Además, aparecerás en los créditos de la exhibición.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    A coffee with the team

    See you? If you would like to meet the newsroom and even tell us about your proposals for new articles and reports, this is your reward. Thus, you can tell us your ideas while enjoying a coffee or tea in the La Marea cup. Limited units

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 62 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    IBEX35 book and La Marea notebook

    Get the new IBEX 35 research book. Three decades marking the political agenda in Spain and that of your pocket on paper, in addition to the La Marea notebook with an Atxe design.

    > 268 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    digital annual

    It is time to take another step in our relationship. With this reward, you will be able to read the La Marea magazine in [digital format] for one year (https://kiosco.lamarea.com/producto/digital-202012/). Or give it to whoever you want.

    It also includes a digital copy of the IBEX 35 book

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 774 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Suscripción Simpatizante Climática

    Llévate una suscripción Simpatizante de Climática, con la que accederás al Magazine 2022 (digital) y a diversos decuentos en cursos y otros productos. Como regalo, te llevas también una lámina con el humor climático de Atxe.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 60

    Climate without Greenwashing

    At Climatica we are also committed to research. We want information and training on the causes and consequences of the climate crisis. But we also want to analyze the responsibility of companies and administrations. This reward is an example.

    With it, you will take the IBEX 35 book (on paper or digital, you choose), the Climate Magazine 2022 (paper or digital) and the Climate bag.

    > 232 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75

    climate payoff

    Thanks to your support, we managed to do more (and better) climate journalism, we will create new sections and we will bet on the audiovisual! And you will be able to enjoy all of this and the Climatica Magazine 2022 with your subscription Annual Climate Do you want give away the subscription? No problem!

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 101 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 90

    the climatic

    If you want the first Spanish media specialized in climate crisis free of greenwashing to be more relevant and have more reports and audiovisual pieces, get involved in strengthening our newsroom.

    As a reward, we are giving you the Magazine 2022 (digital), the IBEX 35 book (digital) and a registration for La Uni Climatica for 2022-2023.

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    For people looking for engagement and research

    You get a paper subscription to La Marea magazine -six copies a year- and one of the first copies from the YoIBEXtigo book.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 251 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Promoters of the PorTodas documentary

    The PorTodas project has spent four years investigating what happens before and after a femicide, analyzing the cases of the 55 women murdered in Spain. Now we want to go one step further and tell, with a documentary, the journey that has meant for all those who have told the stories of their family and friends; also those that have documented it. One of the most repeated words has been silence. Do you think that information on sexist violence is important? With this reward, you collaborate so that its realization is possible and, in addition, you will appear in the credits of the film and in the acknowledgments on the web.

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    If you like investigative journalism

    With your donation you get access to a **Online Investigative Journalism Course lasting six hours, with Antonio Maestre, Patricia Simón and Dani Domínguez.

    In addition, we are giving you a copy of the book IBEX35. Three decades marking the political agenda of Spain and your pocket (paper or digital**).

    > 41 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 120

    La Uni Climática 2023 y el Magazine de Climática 2023

    Consigue una plaza para La Uni Climática 2023, dedicada a la biodiversidad (comenzará en julio de 2023). Además, te llevas un ejemplar del Magazine anual de 2023 (en papel o digital).

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    For people who want a serious (and lasting) relationship

    You get a Mecenas subscription to the La Marea magazine, which includes six copies a year, a Community Pack with cup, notebook and sheet of YoLeoLaMarea and the Magazine de Climática 2022 papel. We will also send you one of the first copies of the YoIBEXtigo book.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 83 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    For people who are big fans of La Marea

    You get a Patron subscription to the La Marea magazine, Isaac Rosa's book Toda esa furia, La Marea notebook and YoLeoLaMarea sheet and the Climate Magazine 2022 paper. We will also send you one of the first copies of the YoIBEXtigo book.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Specialized training in climate crisis

    This reward includes the three editions of La Uni Climatica. The first explains the basic notions to understand climate change and how to mitigate its consequences. The second focuses on mobility and its impacts. And with the third you will have access to more than 50 international speakers -authors of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, climate ministers and two UN representatives-. You also get the Climate Magazine 2022.

    A whole training tour on the climate crisis that you can do at your own pace and without an expiration date.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    For the people who love us from the beginning. Collectors Special.

    La Marea has 10 years of history; a story through which we have been telling the great milestones - and those that went unnoticed in the history of the last decade. With your contribution, we send you the complete digital file up to the current magazine, La Marea 90.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    For people who want to know more

    Contribute to financing a report in La Marea magazine and your name will appear in the acknowledgments of all magazines in 2023. In addition, you get a [paper subscription to La Marea] (https://kiosco.lamarea.com/producto/papel-digital-202012/) for you or as a gift for whoever you want.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 350

    A coffee with Bob and extra gift

    Bob Pop is waiting for you to spend some time with you -in Madrid or Barcelona-, tell you about news in La Marea and listen to what you want to tell us. We will take note of everything you say! And yes, in addition, there will be an extra little gift.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    For people who are very much from La Marea

    Do you have a preference for one or any of our authors, both collaborators and editors? You will be able to meet him! In addition, we will send you a Community Pack -YoLeoLaMarea mug, notebook and sheet- in addition to your mention in the thanks to all 2023 journals.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    For teams that believe in independent journalism

    With this reward, you get an advertising plan for two weeks on the La Marea website. Tell us what goal you have and we will prepare a tailored plan for you.
    *Ads should never go against the values of the medium.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 900

    Training for cooperatives

    Offer your cooperative members a different training. With this reward, you get 10 registrations to access the course Communicate with a gender perspective, Communication for organizations or Consuming is a political act.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    For patrons who want better journalism

    Your reward will become a key contribution to the production of two reports in La Marea magazine. For this reason, you will appear in the acknowledgments of all magazines in 2023 and you will receive a patron subscription -for you or whoever you want-.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    For committed teams

    With this reward, you get a training pack for 25 people with access to the course you choose from Aula de La Marea. Or, if you prefer, you can choose an advertising plan for a month on our website.
    Ads should never go against the values of the medium.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Co-producer of the PorTodas documentary

    The PorTodas project has spent four years investigating what happens before and after a femicide, analyzing the cases of the 55 women murdered in Spain. Now we want to go one step further and tell, with a documentary, the journey that has meant for all those who have told the stories of their family and friends; also those that have documented it. One of the most repeated words has been silence. With this reward, you become co-producer of the documentary. You will appear in the credits of the film in a special way and in the acknowledgments on the web. (edited)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 2.000

    Training for cooperatives

    Does your company have more than 50 partners? With this reward, 50 cooperative members will be able to access the course Communicate with a gender perspective, Communication for organizations or Consuming is a political act.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 3.500

    For the star patrons

    Become a star patron and get an advertising plan for your company or entity on the web and at the face-to-face events that we will organize in the fall

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5.000

    For big sponsors

    Become a star patron and get an advertising plan for your company or entity on the website, magazine and in the face-to-face events that we will organize over the next six months.

    Remember that each contribution has a tax deduction between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

The definitive crowdfunding to consolidate a 100% independent media

Needs Imprastraktura Minimum Optimum
Campaign cost
Coordination, videos, landing page and graphics, Drip percentage
€ 22.500
Increase in working hours for current staff and new hires for La Marea and Climatica
€ 70.000
Articles and pieces for La Marea and for Climatica
€ 25.000
Social networks and marketing
Recruitment of marketing and network manager
€ 25.000
Hiring of two journalists
1 for La Marea and for Climate
€ 50.000
Climática Bulletin (in Catalan)
Monthly Climática Newsletter in Catalan
€ 6.000
Needs Materyal Minimum Optimum
1,000 subscriptions in paper, cups, sheets, bags (includes shipping costs)
€ 47.500
Redesign and development of lamarea.com
New website lamarea.com
€ 10.000
'Audio magazines'
6 bimonthly magazines in audio format
€ 9.000
#PorTodas, the documentary
The conclusions of the journalistic investigation on femicides
€ 20.000
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
New hires
Two journalists (1 for Climatica and 1 for La Marea)
€ 50.000
10 face-to-face events
Every month we will hold a round table or a meeting with specialists to discuss relevant issues. They will be held in different cities. Every two months there will be one of La Marea, which will alternate with another of Climatica.
€ 50.000
Hiring a person specialized in searching for resources (scholarships, search for subscriptions...)
€ 15.000
Investigative reports
€ 60.000
Audiovisual production
Production of videos and other audiovisual formats
€ 40.000
Total € 250.000 € 500.000

General information

Do you remember the Valdecañas reservoir, in Cáceres, practically empty after Iberdrola decided to turbine water to produce energy? Or that video that showed how the extreme right roamed unchecked inside an Army barracks? Do you remember in which medium you first read daily information about climate change, about climate crisis? Or what newspaper spoke on its front page of the court of Ibex35 businessmen of the future Felipe VI when the usual thing was to refer to the prince with the name of "The Prepared"? These are examples of news and coverage advanced by La Marea which were later echoed by the major media.

When there was still no talk of rationalizing working time in politics, we analyzed in La Marea the productivist logics that lead us to live without air, in precarious conditions, without care, without looking at ourselves and ourselves. The Spain emptied (of water), this summer's dossier on the drought, or the previous year's on air conditioning –Being able to live without air (conditioning)– are other examples of that journalism calmed by where we work, always with a gender and class perspective. Or the special on the extreme right, back in 2016, when the entire political arc said that "Spain was different", that the Trumps, the Le Pens, and the Farages would not arrive here...

We have talked about how science is done in this country, about class privileges, about the commodification of education and health, about what happens before and after a femicide, what preventive measures were taken or not, and what subsequent measures were taken. adopted so that it would not be repeated...

We have been to Lesbos and to the destruction of Lesbos. We were in the shame camp, in Arguineguín (Canary Islands). We have been to Iraq. We have been in New York, in Detroit, looking at other worlds while the world counted ballots. We have narrated the war in Ukraine from those other prisms. We have been, also for months, in a block in Seville, telling how people lived locked up in a third without an elevator when nobody knew what confinement was.

It is likely that you also remember mythical covers of our paper magazine: Florentino Pérez (El Puto Amo), Felipe González (El achiever), José María Aznar (and the uncomplexed ones) or Juan Carlos I (leads the landing of commission agents in the Persian Gulf).

In December we will be ten years old and we want to continue serving more. That is to say, we want to continue putting the focus where it is not usually put, we want to continue doing that journalism for which one day we decided to become journalists. Ours, how could we say it, is true. But it is also truly ours, what we have with you. You have known us for a long time and you are still there, supporting us and helping us to create a medium that is ours, and not that of great economic powers; La Marea belongs to its workers, and to the readers who regularly follow us.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Another crowdfunding? Maybe you ask yourself that question. In the writing of La Marea we have also done it. And we admit that we hesitated a lot before launching it. But we have been clear about something since we were born in 2012, and that is that to finance our medium we could have resorted to:

  1. The support of the Ibex35, a tycoon or some political party.
  2. Create a community of thousands of people with a critical spirit like you.

We were born as a result of crowdfunding and, ten years later, we propose a new challenge: the largest media micro-financing campaign in these parts. We want to consolidate La Marea and go one step further. What seemed like a journalistic utopia some time ago is a medium that bets on journalism really. **Our medium was created by a cooperative in the midst of a major economic crisis and now the indicators say that the fall and winter will be tough.

In addition, we face new difficulties. At the height of hate speech, when fascism has begun to rule in several European countries, it is more necessary than ever to overcome the tyranny of the algorithm that determines what news you will receive on your mobile every day. Many of them are crude manipulations, they are paid for by companies, they are irrelevant, hoaxes or pure clickbait. On the other hand, you find it hard to find the information that really interests you, the one that helps you form a critical opinion and have the ability to transform reality.

In the writing of La Marea we talk more and more often about the algorithm, about the extra effort we must make to spread our articles so that they reach people like you. And that happens when we have not yet managed to be sustainable.

The 250,000 euros that we have set as a minimum objective will allow us to end 2022 -a year in which subscriptions have dropped- in positive numbers and with enough liquidity to focus only on publishing good information and promoting new research. With this money, we will be able to give stability to the newsroom, increase the working hours of our colleagues with part-time contracts, make new hires and expand the number of collaborations.

The minimum objective will allow us to overcome a contradiction that weighs more and more on us. One of our great virtues has been bet everything on journalism. Above anything else, such as the dissemination of the work we do or even our working conditions. In the last magazine we recognize it: La Marea is not a 100% independent media for that last reason in particular. With the help of different specialists, we have drawn up a Decalogue on independent media.

Without a doubt, we fulfilled points 1 to 9. La Marea does not have shareholders or owners with interests in large business groups or political power, nor does the team of journalists who work in the magazine. This avoids self-censorship and, of course, the manipulation of information. Advertising has never exceeded 10% of our income, let alone sponsored content. Likewise, transparency is key and, for this reason, we publish our [accounts](https://www.lamarea.com/2022/09/12/las-cuentas-de-2021-crecimos-mas-que-nunca-pero -close-in-red-numbers/) and the origin of our expenses and income. Finally, public service is our main vocation.

However, meeting those nine conditions makes it extremely difficult to meet number 10 and, too often, payroll and collaboration payments are delayed. It is a set phrase, but yes, we also have to eat and pay bills… Live.

Dignity – “decent working conditions” – is a complex concept. Some of us who work in this medium have done it before, with good salaries, in large newsrooms in which, on occasion, a journalist withdrew his signature from an article because he did not recognize it after corrections by his boss. We also know of colleagues who have to write pieces at inhuman rates or suffer pressures of various kinds. I suppose that having experienced some of these situations explains that, “if they give me a choice”, as the song says, we prefer to improve La Marea. To achieve this, we must look in the mirror.

In doing so, the first conclusion we reach is that we are free, but our freedom is that of liberal democracies. In theory, we can talk about everything, report on everything; in practice we can do much less than we want and we find it more and more difficult to spread our work. Again, the lack of resources prevents us from having SEO specialists dedicated to positioning our pieces in search engines and getting more readings.

Deciding what we dedicate our forces to has undesired consequences for those of us who believe that journalism should monitor power, both economic and political. If we can only publish 20 articles a week, we try to make these as tidy as possible. That is to say, that they have their own approaches and cover aspects little treated in other media. Perhaps that is why we do not publish all the pieces that we should about the coalition government. There are many doing it, we could console ourselves. But that excuse does not satisfy us, rather it is frustrating.

You may think that setting a minimum goal of 250,000 euros is crazy... As we hinted at the beginning, we also think so in the newsroom. But at a time of tremendous disaffection and darkness on the horizon, we needed to do something that would excite us again. And we are already thinking about the optimal amount with which we can publish our magazine in audio format, produce podcasts, recover the good habit of holding face-to-face meetings to reflect with you on the topics that interest us...

Luckily, in the last two years our cooperative has managed to generate a small surplus that encourages us to start this campaign. Which tells us that you want us to move on. With you. Because ours is real.

Why this is important

Behind La Marea there are no great fortunes or groups that understand journalism as a business. In addition, we have always said it: in La Marea it is announced who can, not who wants to. We are a cooperative media outlet with insufficient financial resources, but does not allow sexist advertising for the IBEX or for those who profit from fossil fuels. Our workforce is very small, but we are very clear about our priorities, and among them is the defense of democratic values.

This crowdfunding campaign is aimed at you, who have been by our side for almost ten years, as a subscriber. Also to you, who have not yet taken the step of supporting the project, but who usually read us on a regular basis. Even you, who may not yet know us well enough but need a medium that speaks of your realities, without economic or political interests.

This crowdfunding is also aimed at you, who can allow you to contribute something more to Goteo. And you, who are going to make that effort to put your grain of sand. And also to you, who can spread this campaign on social networks or among your close circle. Our thanks, in all cases, will be infinite.

We believe in what is common, in what belongs to everyone. For this reason, our website lamarea.com does not have a paywall, because we believe that those who do not have resources also have the right to access quality journalism.

And this crowdfunding is, therefore, ours. And it's true.

Team and experience

After 10 years of experience, our work at lamarea.com and in the bimonthly magazine have been a sample of the issues that concern us, of our interest in having our own news agenda that focuses on the context, the analysis of the causes and the possible consequences of current news. Also, we have a special commitment to the coverage of social and cultural issues, in addition to an international approach that allows us to better understand what is happening in our country.

Previously, and thanks to Goteo, we have created projects such as PorTodas - a website specializing in what happens before and after a femicide-, YoIBEXtigo - which analyzes what is behind the most influential companies in the country- or La Uni en la Calle -a book that compiles 113 essays written by a total of 152 university professors-. And these are just a few examples.

Our team is small and, thanks to this crowdfunding, we will be able to expand it and ensure that the entire staff can be hired full-time. That is, without a doubt, one of the great short-term objectives: to achieve decent working conditions for all the people who make La Marea possible. You can see the current team here.

Social commitment